Nation Paper Radio!

Mass Meeting at the Community Center ABOUT the Community Center-reports from projects, future plans, relationship to Tribal Council and the community as a whole- All staff and interested people with an eye toward getting it written up and down for better communication welcome- May 24th, 8:00 at the People's Ballroom.
FREE MUSIC! Ypsilanti will have its own free concert series this summer beginning May 27th. We'll start at 2 and carry on until 6. We need the support of the people. Come to Riverside Park Saturday May 27th.
The Women's Crisis Center is now open! Our hours are set from 6 in the evening until 2 in the morning. The Crisis Center will be staffed these eight hours during the evening to aid women in any different problem situation we might be facing. We have done extensive referral research in the areas of problem pregnancy, divorce, adoption, child care, health care, suicide prevention, rape and assaults, and all sorts of other things women need help dealing with. Our counselors have been trained to deal with crisis intervention, as well as just beginning to learn how we can help each other as sisters together. We're hoping to have a service that can reach all types of women with all sorts of problems. Help is needed in media organizing, research teams, emergency transportation and housing, as well as special "help squads" that are being formed to deal with specific problems. We need people with energy and love, and we're hoping to really be a service for all women, so we can all begin to share together. Our number is 761-WISE; so if you need someone to talk to or if you've got some time to be with us, call us any evening 6 pm to 2 am. Only the people can make us really meet the needs of all our sisters.
A.I.R.-The Alternative Ironic Radio is on Mon-Fri, 10 pm-12 midnight in Detroit. You'll find us at 102.7 FM. Any suggestions are welcomed! Liberate the Airwave!
The People's Ballroom will be opening SOON, but we still need people's energy. Skilled carpenters are needed to finish the ballroom floor, and if anyone has any spare lights (especially stage lights), those are needed too! Cali or come by the Community Center and help build the Ballroom! (Community Center Project meets at 3: 00 every Tuesday.) Watch the Sun for information on a Rock 'n Roll celebration of the opening of the People's Ballroom.
The Creative Arts Workshop needs YOUR energy! When completed, it will provide facilities for many, many arts & crafts, activities, and there will also be a storefront where artwork that is made in the workshop can be sold. We need people to do the physical building of the Workshop, and also people who are into running workshops. Come to the Creative Arts Workshop meeting at 5:30 every Monday, to help make this plan a reality.
Experienced Freaked Out Bus Driver for the Summer City's Program-Must have a Chauffer's license. Want to spend your summer bussin? Cali Richard or leave a message at the Community Center Project Office, 663-6746.
Ozone House will have a training sequence for New Workers beginning May 15 at 7:30 pm. (Place to be announced soon!) Serve the People and call the Ozone at 769-6546 for more information.
Volunteers needed to spend some time typing the Ann Arbor Sun. Starting next issue we are back to do it yourself typing because we can't afford to pay the bills. Call Kathy at 761-1709 or sign up for a time.
MAY 19th
HO CHI MINH 1890-1969
MALCOLM X 1925-1965
Freeing John Sinclair
Old News
Ann Arbor Sun