
This time of year in Ann Arbor has always been a time of great activity and change. With the university's school year coming to an end for most students, and summer coming along any day, a lot of people are leaving town for the particular community where they feel most at home, and all the people who are really into Ann Arbor and our community start coming together more and more, on the streets, in the parks and at all gatherings of our people; everywhere people are coming together more than ever before to build together the kind of community that we feel is most relevant and most human to all people.
The Tribal Council celebrated the first Tribal Feast inside the People's Ballroom this past Sunday May 7th! Once again we had a problem with getting out the publicity early enough so that lots of people could learn about it and plan ahead. There wasn't a lot of food for the size of the crowd but everyone was pretty much satisfied and the meeting itself was really great! We heard reports from seven of the people's committees and just a lot of general discussion about the problems that we keep having with the police, the Michigan Marijuana Initiative, and the newly formed sister's organization of the Tribal Council. (for more about that group see the article this page.) Announcements were made about Education Committee meetings which take place every Weds. evening at 8:30 at 2007 Washtenaw. Also another very important thing is the Network, which is getting off to a fresh start and needs lots of new people to take part. They will soon be setting up inside the Communications Office in the Community Center, (see Network article this page for more information about who to contact)
The last two steering committee meetings have been really good meetings and we're all starting to discuss what direction the Tribal Council should be taking in the community and just general discussion of ideology and how people relate to our community as a whole etc. There are even people who come to the meetings from Kalamazoo and other parts of the state who are interested in statewide Tribal Councils and in setting up real communication networks for the whole state! It's so far-out because more and more people are getting together, to work together to take care of our needs and to try and turn this backward-looking death machine, that tries to control and destroy our whole culture, around!! And the thing about it is that everyone is going through the same changes and struggling together with the same problems and we're all beginning to realize what that all means. The energy level here in Ann Arbor is really high despite all the oppressive tactics the police try to run on us!! What they don't realize is that the more they try to stop us from getting together the more we're actually going to be getting together and working together for what we need!! The steering committee meetings are on Tuesday evenings in the Community Center beginning at 7:30.
The Food Committee held their first meeting last week and the next meeting is set for Friday May 12th at 2:30 pm at 1520 Hill St. The first project and the focal point of these meetings will be to formulate and carry out plans for the food at the Sunday park concerts this summer. All those people who are into good food and are interested in working on that project and more should come to the meeting on Friday or contact Jeanie Walsh at 761-1709.
The next Tribal Feast will be the first Sunday of June--That's the 4th--at 5:00 in the evening in the Community Center. Plan ahead to come to the feasts! We're going to try and have them every month on the first Sunday so that it can be a regular part of everyone's plans. In the meantime if you're interested in working on a committee or just trying to find out what you could be doing and what's going on here in Ann Arbor come to the Tribal Council meetings on Tuesdays, also, if you're a sister--Tribal Council sisters' meetings are on Sat. evenings at 5:00 pm at 2007 Washtenaw--bring food!
-Jeanie Walsh for the Tribal Council Steering Committee
Freeing John Sinclair
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Ann Arbor Sun