A2's 150th Birthday

A2's 150th Birthday
On Saturday, May 25 Ann Arbor will celebrate its 150th anniversary. A massive birthday party is planned to involve the whole city, taking place in many locations, sponsored and carried out by many groups and organizations. The many different activities at various points around town guarantees something for everyone. A free SESQUI CIRCUS BUS will operate throughout the day to ferry people from location to location to take in the festivities.
*IN THE DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET AREA that day The Friends Roadshow will bring their Circus to town. Clowns! Jugglers! Acrobats! The whole shabang! For kids of all ages! To help you cool your heels after a day at the Circus there will be some of that good ol' fifty's music for your dancing pleasure.
*OVER IN BURNS PARK there'll be a Fair! The Friends Roadshow will be performing all of their acts and will hold a two hour CIRCUS WORKSHOP to teach make-up and simple clown techniques climaxed with a small circus show performed by the children. The Roadshow's performance is being presented by ART WORLDS as their contribution to this community event. Also at Burns Park the A Squares dance group will perform and invite you to participate in the square dance
*AT PIONEER HIGH SCHOOL the Music Department of Ann Arbor Public Schools will be hosting the PICNIC POP CONCERT. You can pack a picnic lunch or buy sandwiches, cold drinks and cake at the Concert while you listen to local High Schools perform all day! The sale of food will go to support the local high school bands. If you want to relax and chat after all that high school music you can cruise over to the NOSTALGIA TENT to visit with the "real old timers" and hear about the "good ole days."
*AT KERRYTOWN AND FARMERS MARKET there will be demonstrations on home gardens, preserving and canning food, weaving and cooking.
*ISLAND PARK & FULLER ROAD PARK will celébrate the opening of the Fuller Road Swimming Pool with an old fashioned swimming meet, tennis match and golf. Get out the Knickers, the old parasel and come to the park.
*AT COBBLESTONE FARM (PACKARD ROAD) the crafts of yesteryear will be'performed on the lawn of the Ticknor-Campbell property at 2781 Packard Road. Demonstrations of horse shoeing, butter churning, soap making, chicken plucking, candle dipping and apple and corn husk ' doll making can be seen from 12 to 3 pm. Other events around town will include "Open House" at the Huron Parkway and Platt Fire Station. German Folk Dancing, Medieval Festival, Barber Shop Quartet. Downtown restaurants will have sidewalk cafes and merchants will be displaying historical collections. All in all it looks like a fine way to spend the day celebrating Ann Arbor's 150th birthday.
Freeing John Sinclair
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