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BULLETIN BOARD Complete People's Dinner-$3.95. Contact "Auggies Froggies". Dear Marie, Noel, Jill, Bill, Whale, Diane, Nancy, Bob, etc., Had an excellent time. Hope to come back soon. Mark. CAT LOST: mid-June, Tappan/Burns Park area. Neutered Male, gray, long-haired, affectionate, hedonistic. Please help. Reward. 662-0804. One million young men have broken the "law" and NOT registered for the draft. Let's make it TWO MILLION. Kalamazoo Committee to Resist the Draft. SPECIAL GROUP SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SUN: 10 cents a copy ($2.60 per year). Memberships of food co-ops, co-op houses, communes and community organizations are eligible for subscriptions at the special group rate. Tell us how many copies of each issue you can use-we deliver to your co-op or office the day we hit the streets! Frank Back, 761-7148. Turn Us On to a store or restaurant that wants to sell the SUN and we'll give you a brand new record album worth $5.98 FREE. WANTED: Musical Energy is needed for Ypsilanti Free Concerts. Call Bob after 4:30 at 485-2911. WORK WITH CHILDREN: The Children's Community Center is looking for volunteers to work with children 2-7 years old. Call 663-4392. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: To raise money for relocation. Shop at the Food Co-op, Visit The People's Food, located at 722 Packard, down from State. 

FOR SALE UP acreage for sale outside Newberry, 20 or 40 acres. Small down and monthly payments. Land Contract. Call Larry, 313-676-1881. FOR SALE: NCR antique cash register. Works manually or electrically. Call Ed, 891-9746. Available immediately. Mobile home on lot, with shed, beautiful spacious interior, unfurnished, room for garden, $4900 Call 665-7530 persistently. FOR SALE: Nice Mexican clothes for sale, men's and women's shirts, dresses, kid's shirts, rugs. Great dresses for pregnant women. Call Lexa at 994-5617. Inexpensive. Mobile Home. 12x60, 10x16 add a room. Bedroom unfurnished shed. Skirting. May stay on lot. Must sell immediately, $5100. Call 485-7684 or 485-7166. FOR SALE' Kenmore zig-zag sewing machine in wood cabinet, $65. Hardly used. See Lucy at 217 3rd St., upstairs. 

GIGS WANTED: Lead, bass and synthesizer for hard rock. Commercial and originals. Plenty of experience and good equipment. To travel and play professionally. Write: Mike, 1222 S. Park ; Kalamazoo, Mich.-49001. MUSICIANS: The Drivin' Sideways Band is going thru personnel changes and is looking for people accomplished on bass, keyboards, and possibly reeds or guitar. If you missed us at this year's first Sunday Concert, we play rock, blues, soul, and jazz and some of our own material. We're union and already gigging. Contact Lew Collins 665-0505, or Sue Seligman 475-8870. Part-time help wanted: people to do legal flyer distribution on routes in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. Call Frank Bach (or leave message), 761-7148. HELP WANTED: Are you a college graduate? Permanent position. $866 guaranteed salary. Write 3036 Round-tree Blvd. Ypsilanti, MI-48197. WANTED: Experienced bookkeeper for growing young company in the music field. Call 761-7641 for interview. WANTED: Salespeople to sell advertising services to music business clients. Clubs, promoters, bands and booking agents all need printing or graphics. Knowledge or the music business necessary. Call Darlene at 769-5850 for an interview. WANTED: Experienced commercial artist to work with growing advertising agency. Call 761-7641 for interview. WANTED: Folk, jazz, or blues artists for free coffeehouse in Birmingham. We pay $15 for single or $20 for group. Send name and phone number to: Friday's Alternative Coffeehouse & Common Ground; 1090 S. Adams; Birmingham, Mich. 48011; Attn: Bubba. Excellent photographer available for passport, wedding, portrait, and all sorts of photo work. Experienced, sensitive, and reasonable. Call Tom Landecker, 662-4684. JOBS OPEN. The SUN needs energetic writers, researchers, editors who would like to dig into the national, state and local government. People who want to know what is really going on with U of M , public schools, community events. Some articles receive $5 to $10. Call 761-7148. The SUN needs creative, careful photographers, artists, layout people. Proofreaders with a sharp eye are also in demand. Some art and photos pay $5. Artists and layout people can also receive commission for advertising layout. Call 761-7148. NEEDED: Short story & script writers wishing to participate in significance. For particulars contact Black Sheep Prod, 2407 Glenwood, Toledo, Ohio 43620. Royalty payment plan.

WHEELS For Sale: 1966 Ford V8. In good condition, best offer. Frank 761-1707, or 761-7148. 1972 Honda 750. Low mileage, new Dunlop K-81's. New chain, Jardine header, all black. Maturely driven & maintained. Best offer, call 485-7917. '71 VW Bus, good condition and extras, call 761-4323. For Sale: two good condition 10 speed bikes. One Raleigh with extras, in excellent condition, $210. Plus another 10 speed almost new, $125. Call 662-4773, ask for Nick. For Sale: '68 GMC Suburban, V8, P.B. auto trans New Snow tires & exhaust system. $600. See at 921 S. Division, No. 7. WANTED: 3 speed bicycle in good condition. Willing to pay around $35. Please call 769-7265. FOR SALE: '69 Nova. 6-cylinder automatic. Excellent condition, good basic car. Fine second car. Call Jim after 5, 662-6726. FOR SALE: Black 122 S Volvo hood, good except for small dent, $10. Also, grey hood with bigger dent but repairable, $5, cheap. 3 good headlights $3. Pyrenees /Samoyed puppies $30 each. Call 994-4264. FOR SALE: 1968 MGB for parts. Come on out and haggle. Call Doug at 769-0114. FOR SALE: Unicycle 20 in. Like new. Electric heater, Schick man's hair styler, call 434-4012. FOR SALE: 1971 Mercury Comet, 6 cylinder. $1500 or best offer, standard transmission. Call, after 4, 994-5949. FOR SALE: 1969 Malibu , excellent condition, P.S., P.B., Call 437-2313 after 6 pm. $800. FOR SALE: 1965 Ford Van. Good Mileage, some body work, $400. Call 426-3779 days, 426-3286 evenings. 

PENNED PALS Prisoner being released from prison soon, needs contacts in Ann Arbor area. Please write, Donald Holmes, No. 66998, PO Box 515, Joliet, Illinois, 60434. Prisoner in Marquette Prison needs financial help in order to secure legal representation to file civil suits against prison system. Write Mark Spence, No. 126479, PO Box 779 Marquette, Michigan, 59855. Prisoner wants to know what you think of prison reform. Write Emanuel Sistrunk, No. 9356-A2, PO Box 1000, Sandstone, Minnesota, 55072. PRISONER would appreciate all donated literature on astrology, tarot, black arts, etc. Send to 839 W. Huron AA or call 663-2733. These brothers and sisters would appreciate receiving cards and letters from brothers and sisters on the streets. Charles Haynes, No. 138-399, PO Box 69 London, Ohio-43140. Lester Thomas; No. 137870 ; PO Box 57; Marion, Ohio-43302. Mr. Jerry Shields; No. 137-004; PO Box 787; Lucasville, Ohio-45648.

PUBLICATIONS GROWING MARIJUANA by Dave Fleming. 16th printing. Outdoors, indoors. 50 pages. Send $1.25 to Major Minor, 3356 Virginia St. ''''D''''; Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. THE JOYS OF MEDITATION by Justin F. Stone. 94 pages. The "how and why" of meditation. A do-it-yourself book of varied meditation techniques. Send $3.25 to Major Minor, 3356 Virginia Street ''D''; Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. Hindu Bathing Festival; Toronto Power Now; Race Perspective; Judas Coup Blues; Sacred Waffle-are articles in current issue of "South of Tuk". For two sample copies, send 30 cents (to cover handling and mailing) to: SOUTH OF TUK, Box1267; Station "A", Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

WANTED TO RENT WANTED: Desperate lady with 2 kids needs abode rather quickly. Call 1-388-4495, ask for Sue. Responsible married couple desires farm or secluded 1-3 bedroom country home in or around Ann Arbor. We're both employed and need to move by Sept. 1. Lew Collins, 665-0505. Needed: 1 large studio for artist' use. Willing to pay $75 a month. Tim Callahan, 994-5818.

MUSICIAL STUFF MARSHALL 100 Watt rms guitar amp and one angled bottom, covers. 3 months old, paid $800, sacrifice $550; KUSTOM 100 watt PA amp, 4 channels, reverb, 3 months old. Paid $400, sacrifice $250; EV SRO 15 inch speakers $55; VOX 100 watt rms tube beatle amp, needs work, $75. Call Lew 665-0505. WANTED: Marshall 50 watt rms guitar amp; JBL 10 and 12 inch guitar speakers; or ADVENT stereo speakers-call Lew 665-0505. Grammar Acoustic Guitar. Nashville made. Cost approx $450 new. $200 with case. Call 485-7917. Dual 1215 S turntable, immaculate condition. $90 without cartridge. Call Julian 761-6589 Harmony Soveriegn Guitar with case, great shape. Best offer, call 769-0172. Brand New Farfisa electric InstaPiano, 61 keys, brown wood grain finish. $600, call 435-6484. Two 8 track tape player's (one auto, the other home). Also tapes. Call Mike, 663-4631. Harmony Sovereign Guitar with case, great shape. Best offer, call 769-0172. Akai GX-370D reel-to-reel, $500; Akai GX-46D cassette deck, $250; Sony TC-252 reel-to-reel, $200; Sony KV-1212 color TV, $250. Call 994-5716 before 10:30 a.m. Prices Negotiable. Gibson SG standard with Humbucking pick-ups and Schailler machine heads. $275. Gibson GSS amp, 100 watt, 4 8-in speakers. $200. $425 for both. Yamaha FG 300 with hard-shell case $200. Call Bill 662-2374. FOR SALE: Baldwin Orgasonic dual keyboard. Model 56R, 5 years old. Primo condition, $150. Call 761-7667 after 5. FOR SALE: Sony AV-3600 1/2 inch video tape recorder. NEW. $600. (Sold locally at Thalner Electronics for $995.) Save a bundle. Call 994-6332. FOR SALE: Fender Music master electric guitar. Good condition plus like-new Gibson Lancer amp. Price negotiable. Call Jim after 5, 769-4614. FOR SALE: Ampeg VT-40 guitar amp, 3 years old. 4-10's, 65 RMS Excellent. $250. Call 665-0409. FOR SALE: Ampeg Vt-40 guitar amp, 3 years old, 4-10 inch, 65 RMS Excellent. $250, Call 662-8562. FOR SALE: 2 Century Four Speakers, Electro Voice, $600. Call Tom at 761-1726 after 6 pm. FOR SALE: Olds Cornet, nice condition, played only 1 1/2 years. Costs $160 new, will sell for $80. Call Mark 668-8347.

SERVICES IMMERSION IN SPANISH: CUAUHNAHUAC, a teacher's collective, offers intensive programs in Spanish as a second language. Student teacher ratio ranges from 1:1 to 4:1 in a variety of programs. Special scholarship program for persons of Latin American descent. Complete information: APDO C-26, Cuernavaca, Mexico. ASTROLOGER, natal charts, interpretations, private lessons. Call Bill Albertson, 483-1954. Special ceramic tile bath, 5 by 6 by 4 only $189. Call 483-4615. I WILL DO WASHING AND IRONING IN MY HOME. CALL, 483-5784. Custom made rock 'n' roll costumes, vamping garb or old made to fit new by RI Pulker. CALL 761-3529. Authentic antique pieces styled into custom clothes, cowboy shirts, dresses, blouses, shirts, handbags-one of a kind. Call 663-9751.