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Dear Sun persons,
Whatever important issues the prospect of the GEO may have raised for the University community, one stands out in my opinion as very distressing, yet not unexpected. As a sophomore at the University l' ve discussed the GEO vs administration situation with many of my fellow undergraduates. A good portion support the strike wholeheartedly; some vehemently object to the strike; while the large majority are in sympathy with the GEO's demands but remain hesitant about the strike. It's the reasons why many undergraduates are reluctant to strike which are so sickening. In brief many undergraduates don't give a shit about anything but their selfish concerns. Sure they agree with the GEO's demands and realize that the University has bargained in unbelievably bad faith, yet they prefer to remain in an apathetic condition where their only real concern is their existence in the mechanical education process of the corporate university structure.
If their fellow students (grads) want to lay their asses on the line for a better academic and economic existence-fine- but don't expect them (undergrads) to actively help their cause. After all, they reason, they're here to learn and a strike would hinder that by cancelling classes and messing up their academie schedule. They pay for education and expect to receive their money's worth. I say BULLSHIT!
The GEO's demands are for a better academie environment. Besides the request for at least a subsistence wage (which helps to pull better teaching assistants) GEO wants smaller class size, affirmative action, and the retaining of the pilot program-all of which would benefit the undergraduates. Strong undergraduate support would force the strike to be a short one. What is a week or two of missed classes for better academic conditions?
Yet many undergrads can't or won't think objectively about the issue. What is more sickening, some undergrads don't give a damn for the desperate economic plight of teaching assistants. Comments ranging from "they're just in it for the money" to "they don't deserve it; I've haven't had a good teaching assistant yet" expose the insensitivity of some undergrads.
Not all undergrads are blind; in fact a large percentage see the neccessity of a strike. And the success of the strike (if it occurs) will depend to a large extent upon the vigorous support of these undergrads. Yet I find it disturbing that many undergrads can't view the issue beyond their own selfish perspective

. -Midnight Toker - class of 77


A person's age does not determine political views.. .There are a lot of older people who were talking about what a jerk Nixon would end up to be long before Dan Rather realized it.


Dear Sun,
Some people on your staff have been making a very serious mistake. You have been correlating age with politics, saying the older you are-the more conservative your views are. Like on page 5 of your last issue: There was an article encouraging University students to register to vote. The student vote was needed to counteract the "older, more conservative voters."
Get this straight-a person's age does not determine his political views. There are alot of older people who were talking about what a jerk Nixon would end up to be long before Dan Rather realized it. Likewise, there are plenty of people in my dorm (East Quadrangle) who didn't see anything , wrong when the NY Times exposed the CIA for domestic spying. I would like to think that I will keep a liberal viewpoint as I get older. And I'm sure there are many older people who have kept their liberal viewpoint.

Bill Gold Ann Arbor


Dear Sun,
This letter is in regard to allegations concerning the Midland nuclear facility, which you relayed to this office on December 2, 1974.
The allegations, which were general in nature and which were provided to you by persons wishing to remain anonymous, relate to improper testing or failure to perform required tests in the areas of:
( 1 ) cooling pond earth dike sections,
(2) concrete aggregate,
(3) steel reinforcement, and
(4) concrete slump.
During several subsequent telephone conversations, we emphasized the need to obtain more definitive information to allow our inspectors to adequately investígate the allegations. As part of these conversations, I offered, through you, full assurance to those making the allegations that their identity would be protected and would not be revealed by the Atomic Energy Commission.
As stated earlier, without further, more specific information, it is not possible for our mspectors to conduct a meaningful investigation of these matters-pursuing the allegations provided is like trying to find "the needle in a haystack." I would like to emphasize, however, that our normal inspection program does provide for a continuing sampling review of records and physical inspection of phases of construction activities involving safety related structures, systems, equipment, and components, including specifically the integrity of the cooling pond and the quality of the concrete and reinforcement steel.
In that better than six weeks have elapsed since the time of your initial telephone contact and the individuals making the allegations remain unwilling to discuss the alleged deficiencies with the Atomic Energy Commission, we are dropping this matter as an unresolved issue. Should those making the allegations change their minds and agree to provide us with specific information in the future, we will naturally pursue these matters further.

Sincerely yours, James G. Keppler
Regional Director Atomic Energy Commission

(Editor's note:)
In December the SUN printed workers' charges that Consumer's Power is being sloppy in the construction of its nuclear plant at Midland. Although it has taken months, we hope to arrange for a meeting between the workers and AEC investigators within the next few weeks.)


Dear Sun,
Recently, public relations representatives of the Big Three auto companies complained that certain T.V. programs had put their cars in bad with the viewers.
They asserted that a fat man detective appearing currently has always an attitude of irritation or pained concentration while driving. This draws attention away from the fact that thousands of dollars have been spent in styling departments to make driving pleasurable for the average American.
Said one spokesman: "Most Americans when driving alone find many things to amuse them. Some will run their hands appreciatively over the seat covers next to them. Others will pass the time turning the knobs on their radio until they find the music that pleases them. Many will try the windshield wipers on a sunny day and will move their heads back and forth in harmony with the shiney blades."
The public relations men for the auto companies suggested that a wheelchair detective who rides around in a station wagon specially built for him by one of the Big Three had a better attitude.
"He always appears contented in his vehicle," said one. "When in pursuit of the most hardened criminal, a happy look comes over his face as soon as he is wheeled into his place behind the driver."
Another chimed in: "That's right. He helps improve our image. American riders are happy people. Television shows with cars in them should accentuate the positive."

Alan Mather Detroit, Michigan


To the SUN:
The Savoy Ballroom in downtown Detroit still seems to be be better known by its former name, the Rainbow Room, but with its new name it is drawing on a fertile tradition in jazz history.
The first Savoy Ballroom dwelt in Harlem, from 1917 to 1959, and became known for its fine hot music and fantastic dancers. Savoy dancers developed and refined the jitterbug, the basis for almost every popular American dance since. At The Harlem Savoy dancers also played a significant part in the development of jazz music as of jazz dance.
At the Harlem Savoy, musicians inspired the dancers. and the dancers inspired the musicians. When a great dancer becomes inspired by a great musician, the musician in turn is inspired and the result is a chain reaction which eventually results in the greatest performance by both.
Just as the old Savoy brought audiences onto the floor. I hope the new Savoy Ballroom will live up to the tradition, one of the most fertile in jazz history. The Savoy should book danceable bands, and leave the rest to the audience.

-David Tipett


"Cocaine is a very powerful drug and it can easily be misused...ln South America, older coca users are evident in many town squares doing nothing but staring straight ahead, involved only in themselves."


To The Editor:
I would like to commend you for your excellent article on A History of Cocaine (1/7-1/31). It was well written and informative, tho it certainly was aimed at the positive use of the drug, both in South America and the United States.
I would like to dispute one fact in the article. The author quotes Van Tschudi saying that cocaine may be conducive to good health and longevity (of up to 100 years). I have traveled extensively in South America and in many different locations in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, in small villages I have seen and talked to many older coca users. I have found them to look very aged, 60-80 years old, while actually they were in their late thirties/early fourties.
These Indians have used coca most of their lives and at 40. they seem to have it. They are evident in many town squares sitting with blank expressions on their faces, doing nothing but staring straight ahead, involved only in themselves. Their teeth were extensively damaged and their faces looked very aged.
While there are many other factors contributing to their physical conditions, heavy use of coca seems to be a prime cause of physical deterioration and not longevity as your article states.
Cocaine is a very powerful drug and it can easily be misused. Moderation and control must be stressed when presenting it to the public.

Bruce C. Forche
Ann Arbor