Classified Ads
Wood! Wood! Wood! "WETaNTED IMMEDIATELY, afew w corda of good hickory wood in excliange for the "Signal op Liberty." I?rodaice oà every Dcscription, @Eg ECEIVED in payment for Job work, JL Advertising and Subscriptions tothe 'GSAL F LlBERTy" if delivered at the Ofhce, immediateJy over the Store of J Becldey, fe Co. April 28. Strayed F ROM thejubscriber about the first of this month a dark pony, with vvhUe hind feet, a white spot in the forehead and a small white stripe on one side of the neck. Whoever wül return said poney to ihe subscriber in the village ofAnnArbor,orgiveinformationwherehe may be found shall be suitably rewarded. V. H. POWELL. Aan Arbor, April 26, 1841.
The peculiarities of this Chemical Compound, are owing to itsextraordinary effecla upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligaments and rauscles, its virtues being carried by them to the immediate seat of disease, or of pain and weakness. However good any mternal remedy may be this as an external application, wiJl prove a powerful auxilary, in removing the disease and faciliating the cure, in case of Local Inflamalion, Scroffulous Affectious, Kiüg'a Evilj Gout,Iriflamtory,and Chronic JEtheuraatistn, and in all caaes where seated pain or weakness 'exists. A geutleuoen Iraveliing in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1830, heard so much said in the Jatter pldce, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as he considered miraculous cures it performed, thatue was mduced to try Ãt on his owa person, for a Lung and Liver affection,the removal of whicli had been the chief object oà his journey, but wliich had resisted the genial influence of that balmy and delieious climate.- He put one over the región of the liver; :nfi the mean time he drank freely of an herb tea of laxativo qualities. He soon found his health inproving; and ia a few weeks his cougli lef'thim, the sallo wness of his skin disappeared, his pain was removed, and hi3 health became permanently re-instatedU has Iikewise been very benencial inca ses oà weakness, such as weaknes and painin the etomach, weak Jimbs, lameness, and affections oÃ' thc spine, female iveaknes6,&cc. No female Eubject topain or weakness Ãn thQ back or side should be withóut it. IVJarried JadÃes, ia delicate situations find great relief from constantly uearing this pla6ter. No puffing, or grt;at notoriotis certJQcates is intended. Those who wish to satiefy themselvee ofthe eÃBcacy of this piaster, can oblain sufficient to 6pread 6 or 8 piasters for 50 cents, a sum not half cufficient to pay for the Miserlion oà a single certifÃcate inlo any of our most comrnon prints a single time.- ihis Irifliiig' price per box is placed upon i I, n order that it may be wilhin the means ofevery afÃlicted son and duughter of ikti community;tliat all.whether rich orpoor,may obain the treasure of healtb, wbich resulta 'rom its use. Jew David'sor Hebrew Piaster, 3 a cerain cure for corns Directions accompany eacli box Price 0 cents. Doolittle & Rny, agents for Micbigan. Country avenÃs supplied by M. W. Birch ard &. Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLear. Jackson; Dewey fc Co., Napoleon: D. D Kief, Manchester; Ellis t Pierson, Cüntou F. Hall, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Grasa Lake; Keeler & Powers, Concord.
Jïn important discovcry for Rhniwalism â Frver Sores. White Swellings, hijtammation in the Eijes, Burns, Swellcd Tkroat in Scarlct Ft-ücf, Quinsy, Jyc. The Chkmical Plastêii is nn important remedy for all those wiio are niüicled vviili inflammalory con)plaints, by ifscnsing pains, counteraciing inflammation, and giviii spcedy relief, hy its aclive, strengiliening, and sndorific properties. - An eflvctunl rémedy Tor nfhminatory rheumaiisii), ague in Ihe broast, cramp, burns, bruiscs, scrofula, old sores, uIcpi'8 of almost every dcscripüon. cankcred and svvelled ihroats arising 'rom scarlct (ever, felons, white svellinf, chüblains, Sic Persons siifibring from licr cornplainte, pulmonary disoases,ion on the lungfs, with pains in tlie sidcs nd breast, puin ;ni(J wrakncès in the back, vil! fi:id reüe'". In all cases it mny be used vil li safely. TO THE PUBLIC. TO WIIO.1I IT MAà CONCKUN. _ Thi.s may certily tlin.t Ã, Erastns Donn, bei proprieior of Ã. Dcn's Chemical Plas ei", havo for innre Uian tvo yeara heen in a deliraÃejsUte of lionlili, so tiial I Imvebeon unable to prepare nnd circuÃate said Pl:sicr in ih:it oxiont whïch Ihe iuierest ot'ibe suifering comtnunity demends; nnd Ãjeeliog so valuable n aVlicio oupiil. to be e.viensively made kiown lo ilio afi]cietJ, à hayn made nrraniüen's vi;!ill. H A Ti RIS & Co., of AslHubnlp, Oiiio, to thiinuiüciure and vend t in my name as hij' sole rucci ssoi?. "J'liis. Miorefore, may bc relied on as Ihe genuineti lúe lieretotore nrepared ly me, As vvilness my innd, EIÃASTUS DEAN. Wr.RTpTRLl, CnAUTAUQUE Co., N. Y. Jou uur ij 21, 1. . Penn Line, Pa. April?, lS-fO. Messrs. H Ha nu is Si Co.- Sirs :- Since I atyour stqïe in July las!, I have used E. Dean 's Cijemical, which l havo received from you at different times, and fcel uiy?e!f n . duly bound to y as propric lors, and to ihe peoplo gencially, lo recomniend -thn same as a s;.;'e and effic;icious remedy fur fhoso complaints for which it ie recommondod. I havo used it in seeer&I c.ises of inflameti pyrp, in sume of which lts effect s a a curaiive liavebrcn verv decidcd, ;ènd in nu case ims it failcd of givijig relief wliere it has htn appücd accordiog ;o diroclions, oml all' who have used it are per"ecÃly sntisfied wiih It so far ns I Inow. I iive also apolied t in sorne sevce casrs of igue in the bre:ipt with the happ'ost ciTec's. I ouldalso iclate the case of Mr. Thomas Loqan, who has bem nfïlict.ed willi tlie Iieumoiisin in one hip for thiifcen vears, so liat he had beon compeücd lo abandon labor n a great moasuie. }Ohun have a hox f the Piaster, he'anH tjiind ior thrce layS found, os he si:wm Bbeneiit, bul after Ihat he perceW jI' pain was ïot po severe, nnd in lesTOm In o weeks Isecowld Jaliop nard all clay and rest Ãree (rom ]am nt ivÃghà He soyi ihat he would not part wilh the i iic h;is for Ib rué hundred (Joll.irs, provi(!' ir hr conld not oblniri anoiher. He also s;'ys t; dio, lfop il on hand and recommend it v!)p;ov(?r you go. I havo ued tÃie piaster in cases of pains n iho sidfcs, back, shoulder, etc. witli ]il;e L;ood effect. Yöiirs, cf-c. DANIEL KN E ELAND, M. D. iMonroe, June 18, 18S9. Messrs. H. Harkis Sà Co.:- Sirs: I liave used !Ã. Dt-an's Cfiemicnl Plasler for more llian four years past, ad do cheeifuil)' recommeiul t to Pliysicians for rheomalism, spi-itjbg of vvrist, on!;le, shoulder, fcc. Ãn felona, wÃiiilow, and sciodilous swellinjjs of Ãill ufsoripiionÃ, it is getierally an effeclual renx'dy. Ãn shvort, uberever tÃieri' is n it Ãs almost sine logive relief in a few hours. I have nsed it in a great number of rheum;i!ic nTt'Clions. Oneofmy palienl?, on-ed 40, ffjll liabjt. hnd a rheumalio swellidTon 'inn le". He bad been unahie lo got out of his liouse for llircr: moni lis; hs leg was svol!ed to an onormou.s size, Iwice iis usual bignes-; every thin" liad heen done without siiccess tintil we cornmenced usi'ig Düüu's Clicmical PiastPr. We enveloped ihe knce and a porlion of the ümi in the piaster, in th'eê tláys'he swelliog ehÃirely disappeaied, ond in ten days he went aboni his ordinary business. Such has heen our suc cesswiih 1 be article, ond ve now wiHino-ly recommend it (o the'puhlic for a trial. j Yours feo. J. H KEYNOLDS, AI. D. The plostep is now put up iu hoxes at 50 cen;s, and ono dollar each. â Made and solcl. wholesalo and retail, by H. HARRIS & Co., Ashlabuln, Ohio- soÃe propiif.'lors. Nonegenuine unless eigned by H. Harris on the stereotype wrappcr. The ahove article may be bad at the store of J. M'Lan, Jnckson; Hale &c Smilb, Grasa Laico, and by the principa! druggist6 throughout the State. Jaclieon, Jnly 4, 1840
In order that this valuable medicine should not be counterfeited, we have a piale represe.titing1 a pcrsian scène, that in struck on each bill, one of' vvhich nccompaiu'cs oncli box.. We deern it uiinecessor)' to publieh a Inng list uf tertilleales, as tlioy will neithe add to nor dininisli Uie virtues of thia ad mi rabie compound. Superior lo the Hygeian,Brandreth's,EvLn tomatto, the ivJalchlcss (pnetd) Sanativo or any öther Pilis, or Compuund, before tho public, is certified to bv Pliyeicians uih others. Let imno condemn them uiitil ibey hai-e tried them, and they will not. It is r.ow i b-etlled point wilh aJhvho hnve usi-d tho Vegetable Persian Pilis, thnt Ihey are pro-cmuienl ly tbc best and most i'flicacions Fiimlly medicine, that has yet been used in America, lf cvery familv could hrcoine acqnaintcd wilh ihcir Sovcrcign Pou, er over disense, they would seek them anc bc preparnd wnh a sure rcniedy to r.pply on the iirslappearanceof disQasp, ondTfion ïiow mncl: disHess wonld be avoidecl and money savod, as well as livcs of tkousands wlio are ïorried out of time by neglecting disease in Ãs fust sl.ip;es, or by not being in posseEi?ion of a remedy which they can place depenIcnce upon. All who sh lo gtiard against sic'cness, should use the Persian Pilis freelv, when needed, no injury can ensue, if used from voutli to cid age, wlicn taken according to Jie directions.CERTIFÃCATES. Rofchéster, Sepf. 1840. Messrs E Chase SfComptmy. - Gents. .Sirs: - Tliia is lo inlorm you that we havcused your Vegetable Peisian Pilis for a yearpast. inonr pruciico. and are. wei] pleased wjlh theiroperation. Bélieviñg thom to l'ultil iheir odverlisment , in answenng ns sul)8titute wberecalomel ia irulicatcdwe can rocommend tliem to the p;ibli J)rs Urbwn, M'Kensie, &. llalsted. Roe lies ter, 1G40. â . TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase Sf CoGenis.- Hearing much said obout extraordiuary eftects oftlie Rcsurrection or Porian Pilis, iipon (hoseabout to becomc Molh ra, we were intiucun to make a trial of hem. IWy wife was at Ihat time u mother f5 clnldrcii, nnd hadsufibred the most exxc'iicialing p;iins during nnd afier her connement of each. liad Iried everv means and taken much medicine, but found iltle or no relief. She commenced taking he PeÃsián Pilis about3 mo. before her coninemem (her health being very poor about Vis longlhof timeprevious,) and soon after vas eiiübled liy their ose to a'ti-nd to tbe ares of a rno-her to her family until herïonnnemepc. At the time sho commenccd talïing the P.rsian Pilis, and for several weeks pievious, wiih a dry hard cough, and frequenUy severe cramps. which ihfj usc of Ibc pil!s entirely removed beforo usin hall' a bos. h is.vÃlh grc-at convence t'hatwe adviso ail ihose about to bei-ome Motheis lo make use of the Persian Puls. A!l those Oiat have taken (hem in our neighborhood, hnv(! Lot alongr in ihe same easy manncr, nnd are about the house in a few dajs. 'I 'herii does not ppear t be lialfilie dfibger ofothor difficultic-s seiting' in nfior confine ment vhere Ihcse Pilis are taken. Wc unitedly Fay, let none negert taking them fpr they are in the recch of thopoor os well as '.ho rich. VVenHi iruly thanklul thatthere is a remedy which fernales cun easüy procure which bids to lessen the world of ent', fering, v. hich many of thm hove to bear, and pcrhiips save the livestif th.tusands wliich otfi.erwise wou ld be lost; Rocheflier, May 14 tb, 1840; prir'nei of Cal (â (loni.i square, slreet. Forp;;r liculars; see subscribers. s. Roberts' a. o. roberts.Genis. - à wish yon to send o qunntily oà yonr Pnráfan Pilis to tliis placo, for I ain sure they would meet wiih a nady sule. My broiher-in-law while passing throuh your place le;nd so m.ich saul in iheii behalf,ilmt he was induced to purcliasc4 boxes-, ond ] may safely say that they have done moro fbr myseif nnd n. half'sisler ofmino, th;m $400 vvhicli I liad paidto Doctors, and Cor other various pivEcriplions and mediciiica. I have used 28 boA-cs ot' Brandreth's Pilis, vÃ:;ch gave me some portial relief. But yonr Pilis wont riiilit tihcad lüre aman oÃ What passed oÃF looked like ink. My discase hns been riamod diÃTerenlly by every Pliysician; but my dea is, Hiat it was a general vitioc oftiie fluido u'hieh piodircd syrnptoms of almosteveiy diseaso. it would be too (edious forme m give g'we yon a bisfory of all my diSiuilfies. 1 was weak.dnll, stupidafÃd re'duced to a skeicton. All bopes of bein"irstored lnd beengiven over, rxcept by rny brother in law. 1 took two boxes ofyonr Pilis, and am able to perform my dutiss in ihe couniing room. AJy sister waa consumptive- her Jiver wns much oR'ected, her legs ewelled- a harsh cougb constantly troubled her. One box ofyour Pilis cntirely relieved her from all those symptoms.- lom abont to remove to Burlington, and would wish nn ageney, &c. ST. PUEiN B. LT7THF.R .TnFEVER b AGUE, CHILL FEVER. fcc. Those in heilih who live in mnrshy counir.tpsj and unhcahhy cumules, can avokl the disrnselo vyhicli their sit'uations are subje t, by tnkingthe P.-rsian pills once, and in ioniü ïnslancos porhaps tiyice a week to cleanse the systeni and purify it from the sma,l accumulation of effluvm, which causes thod.Ãlcrentdiseases, in d.fferent situations f)I Hio country ThoRe who linj discase fast incre.tsingupoii them should lake G or 8 pills on eT,inr to bed, vvlnch ivjll genePiilly oporate a a gentle eetic and cathartic; after which oontinue Ihe use of them in sinallerdóscó as rccommended in the otlier large bill. Those who follow this course will'find thom a snre and never failinr prevontive. Those whoee diseasesarestubborn, should take a suificient quantjty ofthe pij3 to vomt iheiii once or iwice, Bay every third niffht Uil their disease is subdued. Ihen take them in srn;.l]er doses until every vestigeof it is exterpatcd. . Be no l.mnrer impnscd upon bv "Tcmic Mixtures," Tonic Bitters," or any medicine recommended to break the Fev-r and Ague; ae they all contain more or Jesa quinine and arsnic, which, if they breafc the Ague, injure the cormitution, oftf,n causin? ( ihe patients to liuger out a miserable exiss tence, subject toevery other disease. These pille do not break the Agüe leavino thc scattered fragmenta in the system, t show tliemselves in cvery oiher Ãbrm, butby (licir cleansing propeities they root out ev. ery veslie of discaso, leaving the syntetn freo and healÃhy. nnd the constiiution nut only unimpaired but improvcd Tliose who wish a tonic bÃter can makr: a most excellent one after tlio reccipt that accoinpanies each box of pills. Dooliitlc and Ray, State Agcnts for Michigan. Orders addreseed to M. W. Birchard fc co., will receive aürnlion. Sold by üoct. Me. Lean Jackson; Dcwy &co., Napoleon; Ellis fc Pearson, Cliutoi I. D. Kief, Manchegter;T. Ãlull, Leoni; C. G.Grevcll, Grass-Lake; Kceler &t Powers Concord.
For removingoiseasesarising from on abuse of Mercury, chronic and constitutional duseases, suclias scrofula or king's evil, secondary sypliillis, ulccralione, corrosionsof Uio tliroat, nose, cheeks, lips. ears and olher paris of the body, eruptions on the skin, rluumatic nfilctions, white swellirgs, pains in the bonos and joints,, lever sores, obstinate old eores, scalled hcad, salt rhtum, ring worm and other diseases ari-ing from an impure slate of" the blnod. Also, habitual costiveness,. piles, clironic aiFections of the liver, hngs and cheet, pains in the stomach and sides, nigiit sweats, &c. I: is likewise much recommcnded as a cloansing spring med i cine.This compound fluid extract is Alterative Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Laxative, Arometic, and slightly slimulent, and aiay be used successfully n scroffulous and syphiloid dise;i6cs, and lliat sliat tercd 6tale of the constis tution which so often follows the abuso of mercury, exotoses or morbid enlargement of the bones, snpigmoua mustulcs of ringworm; ulceiations generally; caries of the bones; cartileges of ihe nose, mouth, with the other diseases above mentioned, and all diseaes arieing from a morbid state of the blood. Thcre is hardly a physician who has not ad occasion to observe with pain, the phag denic variety of herbs; and in spite of olï iieir remedies he could bring ugains this ruel discasp, was compelled to acknowl- dge their mofficacy and allow theonsier o orrode and destroy the nose, cheeks; ips, eyelids, eare and temples; parta of vhich ihis malody gcnemlly efleets a y.rcfrencé. Bot in this exlract, will bo found a erfcct rernedy, in all such cases, and wbejre w disease has not produced a very grèat erangomentóf structure, t will evt-o "yieJd o lliis remedy in a very short time. Wiihin a very short poriod, there luis been i-eatimprovetnents in France, on the pharlaceuticitl and ohemical treatment óf Sarsa )arilla, and it has been fully proved that ine.fenths of the active principies of tliat v.iluable root is actually lost in the usuai mode of preparing jt fOr medical use. The compound extraer, licing n very nice pharmaceutical preparaiicm, requires iho most rigid care and skilful management, and not without strict reference to the peculiar active principie of each of lts eonsiit ut-iits. The French chemists have ascertain ed by actual experiment, (hat the active principie of S.irsaparilla is either destroyed by chemical chauge, or dnven oft" by the heat of boiling water; conecquently tho p--epaiations from this root in genera'l use, (which are also frequently prepared by persuns unacquaintt-d with phnunacy, and from materiids renslercd inert by age or otherwisc,( can havo little or n o effect upon lbo system.i yy. w. ij. taking advanfage of theBe Ã;icts has ndopted an improved procesa for extracting the medical virtues from the active ingrediente of this compouud fluid extract, wJiicH are nine in number, without heat; that is to say neither concoction, infusión, or maceration are made use of; nor is the temperatureof the menstrum allovved to exceed 80 degrees Fah. until every particle oL active principie ia oxhaustW, Juaving a tasleless mnss heliind; thereby obtainingthe wholeofthe soluble active principlein a highly concentrated atate, kaving out the Iecula woodyfibre, &c, which encumbers the extract obtained by decoction. The pr.(pnetor therefore has not only the satisfaction of assuring the medical faculty and the public, that this remedy is prepa'red according tostrict chemical and pharmaceutical rulepi but that he also united sonie of iho ofiicinüle valuable and activo vegitalilcs, all oà the choicest seleclion which matenally enhance ils value in the trealment of (he diseases ü!)ove named. He is thereforo iaduced to offer lliis fluid extract to physicians and o(hers underthe fullest conviction of its Giiperiority over that in common use. Physicians vvlll find greal advanlago in Ihe use of this extract, and a grea relief Voin ihe perplexities attendant upon he troatmenl of those obstinate cises ivhirh bid defiance (.0 every remedy; thcir confi. denre proinpls t em to prescribe euch a det and régimen a itheir judgement the case would seem to indÃcate;- thereby givng thé extract itsTiill influencc. Prepared at the Chemical Labora tory of G. W. Merchant, Chemist, Lockport N. Y. N. B. A liberal discount made to dealers and Physicians. The above article may bc had at the storo ofj, Mc'Lenn, Jackson; Hale and Srnith, Grass-Lake, end by the principie drnggista thronghout ihe state. Jackson, July 4th, 1C40.
JÃST RECEIVED the Anti-Slavery and Christian Altnanacks for 1841, it Alex. MTarron Book Store, 137 Jef'erson Avenue. Detroit, Deo. 10, 1840. Bta&iks! JJl.-isiEisü liianksü! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and I m a superior stylc, a l(i'rgè assort I nent of blank Summous, Subpcenos, ExecuoDSf Sec. &c - For sale at this office. KBLANKS ofevery tlescription neutly M-Sf execiUed at this office.
Wertfield Cbautauwue Co.
New York
Napoleion D. D. Kief
N.Y.Alex M'Farren Book Store.
M. W. Birchard & Co.
Keeler & Powers Concord
J. M'Lean
J. H. Reynolds
J. Beckley & Co.
Hale & Smith
H. Harris & Co.
Grass Lake
G. W. Merchant Chemist
G. G. Grewell
F. Hall
Ellis & Peirson
Dwey & Co.
Doolittle and Ray
Doolittle & Ray
Daniel Kneeland
Ashtabula Ohio
Ann Arbor
Signal of Liberty
Old News
V. H. Powell
Stephen B. Luther
S. Roberts
Erastus Dean
Dr. M'cKensie
Dr. Halsted
Dr. Brown
A. O. Robers