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PAPER RADIO lakes a look at local happenings, including the upcoming annual Hash Bash, the scandals of the dorm lottery, the opening of Matrix Theatre, and Wonder Woman at the University . . . page 4.

FOOD FAMINE SPECIAL-A report on the happenings of Food Day by Ellen Hoffman, and the politics of hunger by Michael Castleman . . . page 6.

INFORMED SOURCES-Vietnam follows Cambodia down the now short road to liberation, and behind the Middle East, secret deals by Standard Oil and the death of a king. By Pun Plamondon . . . page 8.

BRING THE CREEPS DOWN APRIL 7-lt's election time again in Ann Arbor, and this time voters can make the difference between where the city will end up in ten years. It all depends on getting the Republicans out, and a new Democratic-HRP majority in ... page 11.

SUN ENDORSEMENTS FOR A PIVOTAL ELECTION-Once more we bring you our analysis of the candidates and ballot issues . . . page 12.

MAKE THE BALLOT WORK FOR YOU-ln this election, paper ballots and a new preferential voting system for mayor mean you have to read the voting instructions carefully . For the how to, see page 12.

LESS RENT, MORE CONTROL-David Stoll exposes how your landlord gets rich, and how the proposed rent control amendment may help Ann Arbor's vicious housing problems . . . page 14.

DOLLARS FOR DAY CARE: YES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE-A new law may help make day care more available to young people at affordable costs, and why the day care centers desperately need it. By Michael Castleman and Ellen Hoffman . . . page 14.

YPSI ELECTIONS: FROM HUMAN RIGHTS TO CAMPAIGN SPENDING-No less important, the town around Eastern Michigan University is also having an election April 7, determining just how far to the left this traditionally conservative city will go. By Michael Cheeseman . . . page 16.

THE SILVER SOUL OF LABELLE-Patti, Nona and Sarah, the women in the band, talk about the record biz, politics, and where they get all that energy. Interviewed by Barbara Weinberg, Jim Oakley and Dianne Ripley . . . page 18.


RECORDS . . . page 20.

CONCERTS: Earth, Wind and Fire, and John Mayall . . . page 23.

MUSIC NOTES: The Sound Scène . . . page 23.

THREE MARIAS: FEMINIST VOICES IN BANNED BOOK-Carla Rappaport writes on the Portuguese novel of women and love now available in the U.S ... page 25.

CLASSIFIEDS . .. page 28.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR-A complete listing of films, music, TV, radio and events for Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Detroit highlights ... page 30.