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At the last session ofthe General Assembly, a bilí was pasaed exemptiog the property of regroes (torn ta-vtion, on the ground tbRt they were dc barred froni social and politica! privileges.. The exemption gave offence tosome ot'ouc sable citizens, who have accordiogly got up a petition that the la w bo repealed, and that the taxes be imposed upon them in the same way as upon white people. They say that if they are taxcd they have clairc upon the General Assembly which tbey cannot otherwiso urge. We question f listory will furnish another example of a body of men remonstrating against being exempt from taxation. - Providence Journal. An abolition lecturer by the name of 3oyle, while in the exercise of his vocation at Sharon, Mass., a few daya eince, had about nine dozen eggs thrown at hitn fay a et of rowdies. Many of them did good xccution, much to the amusement of the ngineers, but Boyle stood his ground, and fter their ammunition was exhausted, re urned their fire by "hard argumenta" for bout an hour. The next day he deliverd a lecture in the same placo without beïg mole8ted. - N. Y. Express. The Jesuits are making thcir appear- nee in difiereat parts of' Franco, and takng bo!d ground against the goveraraent,