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Twp Sabbaths aeo !says ihe editor of the Cincinnati Philanthropist, we had the pleasure of listcning 10 a sermón from Dr. Beecher on Intempcrance, and a noble one ifivas, if we excepi a part which bears too strong an atlïnity to some of the favorite dogmas of abolitionisra. Jn this part, he urged on lus hearcrs the doctrine of political aclion,and set at nought the idea that we must stop at "moral suasion." Intemperance was a moral evil,it was said, and thereforeshould be remedied by moral means. So wasrobbery a moral evil, and swindüng and murder; would you have nu law for these? Will you burn up your law books, vacate the Judges1 bench, and pull down your jails? A man refuses to pay his debts - 11 is a moral evil - will you trust to "moral suasion" to make him pay you? Pree American. Alexander M'ÍjEod, who stands indicted for an aüedged participation in the burning of the steamboat Caroline, and the murder of Durfee, went to New York with the steamboat Swallow, last evening, in charge of the Sheriff of Niágara county, upon a writ of kabeas corpus, we learn, by which he is to be brought before the Supreme Court at its present term.