Publication Information
Will be published every Wednesday morning in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, by the Executive Committoe, for the Michigan State Slavery Society. y. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Terms. - 2,00 per annum, in advancc. $2,50 in six montks. $3,00, if payment be delayed to the close of the yéar. A etrict adiierence to the above terms wijl be obsered in every case. Advertise.ments thnnkfully received am! inserled at the usual prices n this vicinity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aid the cnuse of Libertyt is autliorizetl to act as Agent. All remittancrs and all Communications desinod for publication or in any manncr relating to the "Signal of Liberiy," will be hereafler addresscd Opost paid, 'Sional of Liberit; Ann JlrLor. Mich." S1GNA8L OF LIBERTY.
Signal of Liberty
Old News