rhe British brig Waep,rivcd at this port yesterday, iet at Sierra Leone, aboutfifty days ago, Mvelve prizgB, jiaves, belonging to diflerent nations. - Left at Rio Nunez, lst January, U. S. chooner Grampus and U. S brig Dolphin - camc thereto demand the satisfaclionof he King Sara for some da moge he had lone to an American vessel. The disputo vas nmicably settled. Capt. Ward, a passengeren board the hip Grotius, below at Boston, from Mnnlli,Hnd the last from St. IÃeÃcna, wiih 780 slaves, prizes to H. B. M. cruiöirs on the West cost of Ãfrica. The last that arrivcd (March 2d) threw over board sixty iead slaves in the sight of St. Helena .
Old News
Signal of Liberty