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Temperance Movement: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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Mr. Editor: - Perrait me just to say to you,H8 an advocate of temperance principies, that the friends of-this good cause in upper town are beginning to eome signsof life. They have been stretching, gasping and rubbing their eyes for a long time ; - until they have finally got them partly opened, and have began to work : which, by the by, is a very favorable sign of returning life and health. On Monday evening last, a meeting was held pursuant to previous notice in the Presbyierian church in upper town for the purpose of reorganizing the Ann Arbor Total Abstinence Society. Maj. Chas.YlosEJLY was called to the Chair; and VV. ? . Glöver appointed Secretaty. Messrs Barnes, Wheelerand White wereappointsd a commitlee, to revise the Constitution ïad the list of inembers, and nomínate officer8 at an adjourned meeting. Messrs Sawyer, Bouch, Voorheis and Glover, a cötnoiittee to procure the circulation of the Pledge throughout the coramunity. Messrs Brown, Ladd and Sawyer were uppointed to procure addresses or debates every week, as long as it shall be thought proper. The coramittee are toreport at an adjourned meeting two weeks heneeAddre3ses are expected from Messrs Sawyer, Allen, Barnes and others. It s to be hoped, that persons of uil classes, grades and condiüqns will not luil to rally arount the glorious standard of Tempe ra nee anc help by tlieir influence and example to redeem our otherwise beautiful villaje from under ihe baneful influenco of the hydra headed montier Intemperance. Andwe cali especially upon ihose who have entcred inio covenant wilh God "to taste nol, touch not the thing lhatdefileth;"and who have never as yet thrown their influence in favor ofthis cause, to come out, and no longer remain a hiss and a by word to a gain-saying morid, and a stumbling block for Drunkardsl