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Strayed F HOM ihe subscriber about the first of this month a dark brown pony, with white hitni feet, a white spot in the íbrehead and a small white stripe on one side of the neck. Whoever wil] return satd poney to the subscriber in the village of A tin Arbor, orgiveinformation where he inay be found shall be suitably revvarded. V. H. POVVELL. Ann Arbor, April 26, 1841. JUST RECEIVED the Anii-Siavery and Christian Almanacks for 1841, at Alex. M'Farreu Book Store, 137 Jefferson Avenue. Produce of every Besci'iptioUj RECEIVED ia payment for Job work, Ad vertibing and Subscribióos to the "Signal or Libkrtv," if delivered at the Office, immedtatcJy over the Store of J. Beek ley, St Co. April 28. Wood! Wood! Wood! 'ÜÍÍ7-ÍÍ :Rlïrn MEDlATÊLYf a few changc for the "Signal or Libsrty." ■RBLANKS of every description neartf j - executed at this office. llie peculiarities of tbis Chemical Compound, ure owing to itBextraordinary effects upon the anima! fibre or neryeu, ligamenta and rau8cle8, its virtues being carried by them to the immediato 6eat of disease, or of pain and wcaUness. However good ony internal remedy rnay ba Uhs as an cxiernal application, will prove a )owerful auxilary, in removing the disease ncl facilialing the cure, in case oí Local ínamalion, Scrottulous Afftctione, King'a vil, Gciut,hiila[)Hory,and C.hronio Rlnaima;stn, and in all cases whero st-aced pain &r weakness exists. A geutleine travelling in tlie Soutlj of Europe, and Palestino, in 1ÖÖ0, hcard so mucii said in the latter place, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and ofthe (a3 he con8dered miraculous cures it perforsBed, that he was induced to try it on his owq per6on,br a Lung and Liver affection,the remova) of which had boen the chief object ot kisjouraey, but which had reeisted the genial mflunce oí' that balmy and deliciou3 climale. - ie put oue over the reglón of the liver: :u he mean time he drank freely of an herb ea of laxativo quahlies. He soon found tia heallh inproving; and in a few weeks lis cough lofthim, the sallowness of hisakin disappeared, hts pain was removed, and lu health became permanently re-instated. It ha6 likewise been very beneficial in ca1 ses of weaknees, such as weaknes and pain in the stomach, weak lirnbs, lamcness, and offeclions of the spine, témale veakness,&tc. No feiiialu subject topain or weakness mtbe back or side sliould be without it. Married ladies, iü delicate siluations find great relief from constantly wearing this piaster. No puffing, or grat notonous certifícale is intended. Those who wish to 6ansfy themselves of the efficacy of this piaster, caa oblain suflñcient to spread 6 or 8 piasters fot 50 cents, a sum not half eufficient to pay for the insertion of a single certifícale iuto any of üur most common prints, a single time. - ibis irjfliDg price per box ie placed upon ïl, in order that it may be witbin the means of every afBicted son and daughter of the commnity;that all.whether rich or poor.mayLain the treasure ui hcaltli, u Inch resulta ir om its use. Jew David'e or Hebre,w Piasier, is a cerlain cure for coma Directions accompany each box. Pric 50 cents. Doolit'.le f Ray, agents for Michigan. Country agenta eupphed by M. W. fiircb ard & Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLeaa Tackeon; Dewey 8c Co., Napoleon: D. D iief, Manchester; Ellis &c Piersou, Clintoa ?. Huil, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Gra68 Lake ïeeler S Powers, Concord. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf Evkey man woman and child n the Uni- :cd :■ tates, who possesses a Bible, will surey furnish thcmselves witb the followiug beuuliful series of scripture Illustrations. 20O .- pictoria! illnstraüon. of the bible, and view in the Holy Land. Four hundredpfges, Svo., fine paper handsomely bound, price only two duliars. - The subscriber respectfuüy invites the atteniion. ofClergyracn, teavheis ot sabbath schools heads of families, and booksellers, throughout the United States, to the above newy cheap, and eplendidly Illustrated work, published and for sale, at No. 122 Nassau Sreet N. Y. Gity. lts features are better defined by the title: - Two Hundred Pictorial Illustrations of the Scriptures, consistió'' of viewsm the iioiy L.anü, tugether wnii many oi the most remarkable objecte tnentioned in ths old and new testamenta, representing sacted historica! events, copied fi om celebrated picf.urns, principally by the old masters, the landscape scènes, taken frora original sketches made on the spot, wiih full and interesting letter-press descriptiona, deroted to aa explanation of the objects mentioned in the sacred text. On examination, this will be found a very pleasant and profitable book, especially fot the perusal of Yonng People, abounding in the most valuable,infbrm&lion, collected wiih great care, from the best and latesteources. It may, very properly, be designated a common place book of every thing valuable relatiog to Oriontal MannerB, custoras, and. couiprises within itself a complete library of religious koowledge. A volume ik e the present, is far superior to the common Annuals - It will nevcr be out oí' date - It is beaulifully printed in new lung primer type, handsomely bound in nnisiin, gilt and lettered; and is, decidedly, the best and cheapest pubücation, (for the price,) ever issued trom the American Prees. The present work difftrs from alt othar ever published in this country. The immense treasures of Art which the great Paintcra have bequealhed to us on sacred eubjects, are here opened to ali, as far as they are car pable of bemg diffused ihrough the medium of wood engravings. Among our nurneroiw numerous einbullishmcutö, will be fouud the celebratedCARTOONS OF RAFFAELLK, and the series of the prophete, so niagniiicen-t ly portrayed by 31ichaël A.nü in the ISistt7ie Ckapèl. VIEWS IN EDOM(PHTRA,)EGYPT,r. These lattcr, &ad all the Landscape Scents, are represented with that fidelity whir:h we are now ahle to realize through the Inbors of recent travellers. The otherobjecte.vvhetber of Natural History, of Oostume, or of Antiquities, ore, alao, deliuealed with equal accuracy. Sldny of the IUustraiions require little or no commeiit - they speak or Aemselves. The work caonol faii in pro ving ac ceptable to all deaommation of christians. A liberal discount made to wholesale purchasers. Pursons in the country, wishing to net aa ogents, mny ohtain nll the necessary uifuruiation, hy adüressing their ietters to thy subsenher, No. 122 Nassun etreet, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Publishor. Clergymeu, Superintendenis and Teachers ofSabbath Schools, agents of rcligioua newa papere, and periodicale, Post-maslerfi.vani Booksellers, throughout the couutry tii 11 y requested to act as our ngenie,. No -. ;1 be UkQ froiü tbo office unleea i is post pöuC a ,f May 10, 184 K -7 Jln important discovery for Rheumatism Fever Sores, White Swellings, lnflammation in the Eyes, Burns, Swelled Throat in Scarlet Fever, Quinsy, c. The Chemical Plasteu is an important remedy for all those who are nfilicted with inflammatory complaints, by its easing pains, counteracting nflammation, and giving speedy relief, by its active, strenglhening, am sudorific proporties. - An effectual remedy for inflammatory rbeumatism, agüe in the breast, cramp, burns, bruises, scrofula, olt sores, ulcera of almost every description cankered and swelled ihroats arising from scarlet iever, felons, white swellings, chilblains, &c. PerBons suffering from liver complaint?, pulmmiary diseases, inflammation on tlie lungs, with pains in the eides and breast, pain and weakness in the back, will find relief. In all cases it may be used with safetv. TO THE PUBLIC. To WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN. Tliis may certify ihat ï, Erastus Dean, tho proprietor of E. Dean's Chemical Piaster, have for more than tvvo years been in a delicate state of health, so tliat Í have been unable to prepare and circuíate said Plastci to that cyctent which the interest of the suffering community demands; and feeling so valuab'e an article ought to be extensively made known lo the aíSicled, I have made arrangemenfs with II. HARRIS k, Co., oj Aslitabula, Ohio, to manufacture and vend it in my name as my sóle succi-ssors. This, tlierefore, may bc relied on as the ganuine article heretofore prepared by me, As witness my band, ERASTUS DEAN. Wertfieli, Chaütauque Co., N. Y. January 21, 1839.Penn Line, Pa. April 7, 1840. Messrs. H Harius & Co. - Sirs: - Sinee 5 was atyour store in July last, I have usecl E. Dean's Chemical Plusier, which I have reeeived from you at different times, and teel mysclf in duly bound to you as proprietors, and to the people generally, to recomniend the same as a safe and efficacious remedy for tliose complaints for which it is recommendfid . I have used it in sevcral cases of inflamed eyes, in somc of which us effects as a curative have heen very decided, and in no case has it failed of giving relief whore it has been appüed aceording to directions, and all whu have used it are perfectly satisfied wiih it so far as I know. I have also applied it in somc severe cases of ague in the breast with the happiest effects. I would also lelnte the case of Mr. Thomas Logan, who has been afflicted with the rheumatism in on hip for thirteen years, sü that he had been compollcd to abandon labor iu a great measure. I lel liim have a box of the Piaster, he applied it, and for three days found, as he enpposed, no benefit, but altor that ho perceived that ihü pain was not so severe, and iji !ess titan two weeks he could ldhor hard ali day anti rest free from pain at night. He eaya ihnt he would not part wilh the box lie has for thrce hundred dollars, providing hé could not obtain another. He also says to me. keep it on hand and recommend it wherevër you go. I have used the piaster in cases of pains in the sides, back, ehouldcr, etc. with like good effect. Yours, cf-c.DANIEL KNEELAND, M. D. Monroe, June 13, 1839. Messrs. II. Harris Lc Co.: - Sirs: I liave used E. Dcan's Chemical Piaster for more tlian four years past, and do cheeiTully recommend ít to Pliysicians for rhetimatism, sprains of wrist, ankle, shoulder, &c. ín felons, whitlow, and scrofnloiis svvellings of all descriptions, it is generally an efTectual remedy. In short, wherever therc is a pain it ia almo6t sure to givo relief in a few hours. I have sed it in a great number of rheuinatic cffections. One of my patients, aged 4ü, full habit, had a rheumatic swelling on one leg. He had been unabíe to get out of his house for three months; his leg was swellecl to an enorrnous size, twice its usual bigness; every thin had been done without success unlil vve commenced Dean's Chemical Piaster. We enveloped the knee and a portion of the limb n the piaster, and m three days the swelling enlirely disappearod, ad in ten days lte went abont his ordinary business. Such hns been our snecesg with Ihe article. and we now vvilhngly recommend it to the public for a trial. Yonrs &c. J. H. HEYNOLDS, M. D. The piaster is now put up in boxes at 50 cents, and one dollar each. Made and eold, wholesale and retail, by H. IIA1UUS &Co., Ashtabula, Ohio- sole proprietors. None genuino unless signed by H. Harris on the Etereotype w rapper. The aboye article may be had at the store of J. WLean, Jackson; -Hale fie Sinitli, Grasa Lake, and by the principal druggists throughout the State. Jackson July 4, 1840 S&rayed F ROM the subscriber about the fiist or" lliiá monlh a dark brown pony, with white liind íeer, a white spot in 'he forehead and a small white stripo on one side ofihe neck. Whoever will return said poney to the suliscriber in Uic vülage of Ann ArliÓr, or give iafurmation whcre he may be found shall be suitably rewarded. V. H. POWELL. Ann Arbor, Aprü 2G, 1841. .■"ÜSTltECEIVED the Anti-Slavery Q& atid C:iristian Almanacks for 184!, at Alex. M'Farrcn Book Store, 137 Jetferson Avenue. Produce oL i'cí'y DescríjtíiotBj W ECEIVED in payment for Job worh jmJ& Advertising and Subscriptions to the "Signal of Liberty," if dchvered at the Oilico, immediatbly over the Store of J. Becklcy, 6t Co. _ A Dril L,".. WOOiï! M'OOiS! VVOOil! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood ín exchange for the "Signal of Liberty." ÏIBLANKS of every description neartj:; ■- executed at this office. In order that this valuable medicine should not be counterfeited, we have aplate representing a persian scène, that s struck on each bill, one of which accompanies eacb box. We deern it unnecessary to publish a long list of certiflcates, as they will neither add to nor diminish the virtues of this admirable compound. Superior to the Hygeian,Erandreth's,Evan' tomatto, the Matchless (pnced) Sanative, or any other Pilis, or Compound, before the public, as certified to bv Physicians and othcrs. Let none condemn them uulil they have tried them, and they will not. It is now a eettled point with alhvho have used the Vegetable Persian Pilis, thnt they are pre-eminently the best and most eificacious F;imily medicine, that has yet been used n America. If'every family could becorne acqnaintcd with iheir Sovereign Pow er over disease, they would seek them and be prepared with a sure remedy to apply on the firsl appearanceof disease? and then how much distress would be avoided and money saved, as vvell as Uves of thousands who are hurried out of tiuieby neglecting disease in its first, stages, or by not being in posseesion of a remedy which they can place dcpendence upon. AU who wish o guard against sickness, 6Íiould use the Persian Pilis freely, when needed, no injury can cnsue, if used from youth to o!d age, when laken according to thedirections. CERTIFICATES. Rochester, Sept. 1840. Mcssrs J2. Chase fyCompany: - Gents; Sirs: - This is to intbnn you tha! we haveused you r Vegetable Perian Pilis for a year past, in our practice, and are, vvell pleased with their cperation. Believing them to fulfil their advertisment, in answering as a sulislitute where calorael 3 indieated, we can recommend them to the public. Drs Brown, M'Kensie, & Halsted Rochester, 1840.TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase $■ CoGents - Hearing rauch said about extraordinary effects of ihe Resurrection or Persian Pilis, upon those about to become Moth ers, we wcre induced to raake a trial of ihem. My wife was at that time u mother of 5 childrcn, and liad suffered the tno6t cxexcruciating pLÚns during and ader her confinement oí eacií. She had tried every means and taken nmch medicine, but found little or no relief. She commenced takitig the Persian Pilis about 3 mo. before her confinement (her health being very poor about this length of time previous,) and soon after was enabled by their use (o altend to ihe cares of a mother to het family until lier confinement. At the time she commenced taking the Persian Pilis, and for several weeks previous, wilh a dry hard cough, and frequently severe cramps. which the use of the pills entirely removed before using half a box. It is with great confidence that we advise ail those about to become Mothers to inake use of the Pereian Pilis. All those that have taken them in our neighborhood, have got along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. - There does not rppear to be half the d;-.nger ofother difficulües setting in ofter confine ment where these Pills are taken. We unitedly say, let none neglect taking them for they are in the rcach of tho poor as well as ;hc rich. We aro (ruly thankful that there 3 a remedy which fb rúales can easily procure vvhicli bids to lessen the world of suf'ering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps sare the lives uf thousands vhich othervvise would be lost. Rochester, May 14th, 1840; cornet of Cal edonia square, Edingburg street. For pariculars; sce subscribers. S. ROBERTS, A. O. ROBERTS. Gents. - I wish you to send a quantity oí" your Persian Pills to this place, for I am sure thcy would meet with a ready sale. My brother-in-law while passing through your place heard somuch said in their bchalf,that he was induced to purchase4 boxes; and I may snfely say that they have done more for myselfand a half sister of mine, than $-100 which I had paid to Doctors, and for other various prescriptions and medicines. 1 have used 28 boxes of Brandreth's Pills, which gave me; some partial relief. But your Pills went rigbt ahead like a man of war. What passed off looked like ink. My disease has been nained difrerenlly by every Physician: but my idea is, that it was a general vitice of the fluids which produced symptoms of almostevery disease. It would be too tedious for me to give give you a history of all my dillicuUies. I was weak.dnll, stnpid and reduced to a skeleton. All hopes of being restored had beengiven over, except by tny brother-in-law. 1 took nvo boxes of your Pills, and am able to perform my dutieg in the couniing room. My sister was consumptive- herliver was much uiTected, her legs swelled- a harsh cough constantly troubled her. One box ofyour Pills entirely relieved her from all those symptoms.- ! Í am about to remove to Burlington, and would vvieh nn agency, &c. STEPHEN B. LUTHER. Jr. FEVEK k. AGUE, CHILL FEVEIl fcc.' Those in health who live in marshy countries, and unheiUhy climates, can avoid the disease to which thcir tsituations are subject, by taking the Persian pills once, and. in some instances perhapa twice a week, to1 cleanse the system and purify it from the small accumulatiori of effluvia, which causes the different diseases, in different situations: of the country. Those who find disease fast increasing up-j on them should take C or 8 pilis on going lo bed, which will generally opérate as a gentle emetic and cathartic; after which! oontinue the use of them in smaller doses, as recommendcd in the other large bill. Those who follow this course wül find them a sure and never failing preventiveThose whose disMc-arpLuLLoin, buuuii takci a BcfSFfciHi quantity of the pills to vomit them once or twice, 6ay every third night till their disease is subdued. then take them in smaller doses until every vestige of it is exterpated. Be no longer imposed upon by "Tonic Mixtures," "Tonic Bitters," or any medicine recommendod to break the Fever and Ague-, ae they all contain more or loss qui-ine and arnsnic, which, if they brenh fiie A. gue, injure the constitution, often cauging the patients to linger out a miserable exiss tence, subject to every other dïsease. These pills do not break the Ague leavkig the scattered fragmenta in the system, to show themselves in every other form, butby their cleansing properties ihey root out ev.ery vestigo of disease, leaving Uie Bybteni' free and healthy. and the consütution not only unitnpaired but improved Those who wish a tonic bíter can make a most excel lent one aftor the receipt that accompanics each box of pills. Dooüttlc and Ray, Slate Agents for Michigan. Orders addressed to M. W. Birehard &, co., wil! receive nttention. Sold by üoct. Mc. Lean Jnckson; Dewy fc co., Napoleon; Elüs Sz, Pearson, Clinton I. D. Kief, Manchester; T. ílull, Leoni; C. G. Grevell, Grass-Lakc; Kc-clcr &. PoweraConcord. ! For reniovinguisenses ürising from an abueo of Mercurj', chronic and cor.stitutional diseases, suchas scrofuia or king's evil, sccondary syphillis, ulecrations, corrosionsof tho tlmiat, noso, cheuks, lips, eare iind other paris of the body, cruptions on the skin, rheumaliu nffections, wiiile swellhrgs, pains in the bones and joints, lover sores, obstinate oíd sores, scalle(j hcad, salt rheum, ring worm and other diseassts ariïing from an ïtnpure slate of the blood. Also, habitual costivenesar' piles, chronic affections of the liver, lungsr and cliest, pains in the stomnch and eides, niglit sweats, &cc. It is ükewise much j reccmrruíiided as a cleansiiig spring medicino. Thiscomponnd fluid extract is Alterativa i Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Laxative, Arometic, and slightly stimulent, and may be used ! siiccessfully in scroffulous and syphiloid dis eases, and Ihat shattered state of the consti j tution which so often folio vvs the abuse of inercury, exotoses or morbid enlargement. of the bones, 8upiginou3 mustules of ring' worm; ulceiations generally; caries of the bones ; cartileges of' liie nose, mouth, with the other diseases above mentioned, and all diseaes arising from a morbid state of the blood. j Thcre is hardly a physician who has not had occasion tt obcervo with pain, the phag fdenic v;iricty of herbs; and in spite of all' thèir remedies he could bring aainst this cruel diseast, was compelled to acknowU edge their ïuitfficacy aud allovv the monster to corrode ind destroy the nose, cheeks, lips, eyelids, eais and temples; parts of which ihis malady generally afFects a preference. But ïn this extract, will be found a perfect remedy, in all such cases, and where the disease lias not produced a very greatderangernent of slructure, it will even yield to this remedy in a vèry short linie. Witbhi a very short poriod, there has been great ïniprovements in France, on the pharmaceutical and chemical treatment of Sarsa parilla, ana it has been fully proved tha. . ninctentns of the active principies of thst valuable root is actually lost in the usual mode of" preparing it for medical use. The compound extract being a very nice ' phannaceutical preparation, requires the most rigid care and skilful management and not without strict reference to the peculiar active principie of each of lts constit uents. The French chemists have ascertaio ed by actual experiment, that the activeprincipie of Sarsaparilla is either destroyed by chemical change, or driven off by the heat of boiïing Water; conseqtiently the preparaiions from this root in general use, (which are also frequently prepared by perboos unacquainted with phfirmacy, and from materials rendernd inert by 'ge or oihervise,( can have little or no effect upon the syslcm. G. VV. M. taking advantage of these facts has adopteil an improved procesa for extractiog the medical virtues froin the ac-. live ingrediente of this compouud fluid extract, which are nine in number, without heut; that is to say neither concoction, infusión, or maceration are made use of; nor is the temperature of the menstrum allowed to exceed 80 dfgrees Fah. until every partid of active principie is exhausted, leaving a tasteless mass behind; thereby obtaining thft wholoofihe soluble active principie in highly cor.ceníratcd state, leaving out the fe cula woody fibre, &c, which encumbersthe extract obtained by decoction. The propri etor therefore has not only the satisfaction of assuring the medical faculty and the pub-, lic, that this remedy is prepared according to strict chemical and pharmaceutical rules, but thai ho also united some of tho officio ale valuabie and active vegitables, all of ihe choicest Eeiection which malenally enhance its value in the treatment of the diseaeeft above named. He is therefore induced to offer this iiuid extract to physicians and olU ers under the ful lest conviction of its euperiority over that in common use. Physicians will find greal advantage in the use of this extract, and a' great relief from the perplexities attendant upon the treatment of those obstinate cases which bid dcfiance to every remedy; their confidence prompls ihem to prescribe such a diet and régimen as in iheir judgement the case would seem to indícate; - thereby giving the extract its ful! infiuence. This extract is prepared from, the best eelectcd materials, without heat by an improved process; on an account of which, U 13 preforred by physicians as being more active llinn any other novv before the public. Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of G. VV. Merchant, Chemist, Lockport N. V. N. B. A liberal discount made to dealers and Physicians. The above article m&y be had at the etorO of J, Mc'Lean, Jackson; Hale and Scaith, GraesrLake, and by the principie druggista throughout thp state. T.V. . anu J. W. Maynard, and Lund and Gibson, Agents, Ann Arbor. Jacjcson, Ju!y 4th, 1840. B iDiks'. BSanïisü BlanUsü! JÜST PRINTED, on fino papor and in a superior style, a large assort menl of blank Summons, Subpoenas, Execu tions, Sic. &c. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf