Oakland County Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty
At an adjourned meeting of the Abolr tionists of the county of Oakland, held at Pontiac June lst, ihe following resolution was passed : - Resolved, That we consider t expedient Ão cali a convention of the fnends of impartial liberty, to meet in Po:wiac, on the 22d day of June, inst., at ten o'clock, A. M. to nomÃnate candidates for our State Legislature, and such other officers as shall be thcught proper. This is a meeting of great importance to the cause, now in its infancy as it re. lates to independont political action. It is therefore requested that all the friends of the cause in the county will not fail of being present. A cali waa issued for the meeling of a Convention in the above place on the 16th of March last to take into consideration the best measures to forward the abolition cause. Forty-two delegates gave in their names and several resolutions were discussed and passed, it then adjourned to meet the first day of June. The Convenlion met, but was not large, ovving to sickness and a misunderstanding of the time of meeting. It has now adjourned to meet as above on the 22d instant.
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Oakland County