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Our friend, Mr. Samuel Chapman, now on a tcmperance tour, writes to the Maine Temperance Gazelte respectingthe lhings ie saw in Kentucky. "Loüisville, Ky., April 8. - I arrived on he 3d, in iho muil boat, having leit my oivn convcyancs at Madison. Here, for he firat timo. í see, in this land of Veedom, slaves na slavc State; and ilough, ofcourse, I seenothing of slavery - thatis of the system, yet 1 cannot but'look with decp interest on cvery tliing about me. - l see as I pass the streeis, near half the opu!ation of a dark color. Thoy are en;aged in variou3 occupntions,many of them poorly clothed, and bearingin theír several appearance marks of degradalion. Bul the fact with which I was most forcibly slruck, was that only about one in seven or eightbore the real jet black of the African. The re are all shades of color, from pure ebony to saüow, sickly white, rendering itoftcn very diflioult to decide who are and who are nol guilty ofa black skin. Thi=, I suppose, cften puzzles those mostkilled in euch maüers. What evidence ïere of the hatred of slaveholders toamalDamuion ! As to the infliscnce of slavery on the moráis of society, if any thing more is necessaty th;n the lactabove numod, il muy be found in the exhibition which every vvherc strikes the eye in passing the shops of watch makers, tlmt aïqopg tho articlcs exhibitcd ut iheir windows conspicuously, nro a great variety of deadly weapons, such as pistols, dirks, bowie knives, &c, i'iiis exhibition I pointed out to a liie appearing yourig feilow who was passing me at the moment, and told hún that such articlcs would not occupy such a place at the East, or find rnany purchaser. His reply was that tliere vva9 not a respectable youngtnivn in Louisville who'did not wcar themj and said that he not only had them but practised with them every day. 1 find that professors of religión consider it a proper precaution to carry the swordcane when walking out in the evenin. - Where there is not some powerful caas existing for the corruption of the publi moráis, the safety afïbrded by the Iaw wil bc deemed sufficient - that is, utiless b the same corrupting cause its arm is para ized.