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Ancestry Library Edition: Gold Mine for Genealogists

by annevm

Discover more about your family history by accessing the Ancestry Library Edition database. This huge database taps into a wide array of sources, including census reports, birth & death records, and immigration records. Expand on what you already know about your ancestors by locating newspaper articles, yearbook photos, and much more.

Whether your forebears are from North America, the UK, Europe, Australia, or somewhere else, it's worth looking for information here. Current featured data collections are 
Australian Electoral Rolls, 1903-1980 and United States Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940.

To access Ancestry Library Edition, you must be inside an  Ann Arbor District library -- Downtown, West, Pittsfield, Traverwood, or Mallets Creek. Have fun finding information on your ancestors! 

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