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Northern Statesmen: For The Signal Of Liberty

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lould carry their wornout threat of of Iving the Union into execution, and bv m' ch means the free States should become ca i independent nation, and that the seatof - overnment should be ut New York or IS any othor place, where is the statesman u11 iio would dare to make the proposition to ifablish a slaverr.arkct there? Hecould 1 be fuund. The infamy of such a propïtion, under such cucumstances, would Pe tlive his fume, however great it miïit. Gi . Every one knows and feels that siich T i act would be contrary to ail the better eimgs of human nature, and thal it would ■ ing upon us the contempt and scorn of th Ithtiworid. Every body wil! admit the tio Jlhofthis proposiiion, and now I ask, fUI ixe not the votes of Northern members & Congress by which power was given to e authorities of the cities of Washington d Alexandria to license slave trading tablishments in the District oi' l equally at variance with justice, and they not deserve the same measuro of Jignant rebuke which they would reiv in the case supposed? Or is liberty 3 valuable in a Southern than a Norihn clime? ís it the bounden duty of Tihern Statesmen to praclice libertv on ymouth Rock and Bunker Hili, and at chmond in Virginia, beneath an ''Octor Sun," as late as 1840, to proclaim evlasting peace to slavery? Is it less innous íbr Daniel Webster to pledge himIf in favor of slavery where it already ists, than to advocate its establishment ïere it does notexist? If we judge this 1 LS9 of men by their works, as all men - ght to be judged, we shail place them By a level with the wickedcst of slavëholrs. Thoir education has been obtained ? the best schools of liberty, and if under ib circumstances, they are determmed "?j" sustain slavery, they ought to be classed v thisrespect with the bascst of tho cha Every freo laborer ought to look }on sucñ raen, with a distrustful he ought to regard them as ahvaya ready to enslave the defeocèiess, of whatever coler, when the accomplishment of their object may requiro it. Does any one beHeve that such men as Webster, Van Buren and Graager, would hesitatè lo carry out the views of Calhoun, McDuffie, and Ihatclass who hold that the public good reqmres that all laborers should be slave? Are they not doing all' that the elave party have required of them to sustain slavery, and are they not ready to do more whenever more may be.required? ff Q. The following resolutions were pas3ed jy members of christian churches present U the rnueting of the New Hampshirc State A. S. Society. ? Resolved, That; it is esgential to the ibohtion of slavery this land, that Jhristians in the most public and decisivo ïianner their testimony against the issent:al sinfulness of slaveholding, and ixert all the influence of expostulation, varnmg and rebuke upon sotithern5 proessors of Christianiïy, to induce them to ibandon their sins; and if these meiuisfail hat as a lastresorí,ihey shuuld withdraw ellowship from them. Resolved, That the stand recenily tacn by southern eclesiastical bodies, in rejsing to hold corresponderse with their rethren at theNorth on the subject of slaery, clearly implies that thiö crisis is not emole. Resolved, That inasmuch as the system f American slavery is intrinsically sinful, nd as, in the providence of God, it is su efore the American christians, that not ' rebuke is to conniveat it; therefore t i theduty ofthe benevolent societies of ie day to say distinclly that it is a sin, nd that they do not wjsh to receive the vaUs of it into their treasury.


Signal of Liberty
Old News