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Wood! Wood! Wood! m TaNTED IMMEDIATELY, a few ü ■ cords of good hickory wood in "Si ge for the "Signal of Libertt." Offi oe 2S, 184 1. 9_tf Be

Tniíi unaersigned are manuíacturingand will keep constantly On hand at their ehop twoanda halr railes west of Ann rhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POYVERS and THRE3HING MACHIiNES.- The horee power is a new invention by 3. W. Foster, and 3 dccidedly superior to iny thiug of the kind ever before offered to he Public. The pnce of a Four Horas Puwer, with a good Threshing Machine is ne hundred dollars, at the shop; without ■lie Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse rowers can be used with two, ihree or four lorsea to good advantage. Three men with ■wo liorses, can Ihresh one hundred bushels JÍ wheat per day (if it yields middhng wel],) nd it wiil not be hard work for the horses. 1 he Horse Power and Thresher can both be ?ut in a coramon waggon box, and drawn ïny distance by two horses. The Two Horst Power will be eold at the ehop, with JJtrZ?her f one hundred dollars; withaut the ïhresher, for Bevcnty-five dollars. They also manufacture STRA.W CUT1 JiiKb, recenlly invented by S. W. Foster wmch are decidedly preferablo to any others for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by band.- Price, fifteen dollars. "- ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding . ender, at the rate of six to eight bushds per iiour, with two horses or by water. , - Also - (L?SMUT MACHINES of superior ' struction. Invcnted by S. W. Fostbr.- Pnce, 8xty dollars. S. W. POSTER, & Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. io-ly r

m uil inuoi j&ivs wouid intorm the pub I M. lic, that ihe Winter term of this Insti. I tution wjlj cora menee on VVeduesday, EIGHTEENTH OF AUGUST, nd continue twenty-Uvo weeks, under the f upennteiidanceofMR. Lücien H. Jokes, iie present incumbent. They would alao c ay that this School has been respectably l ustained during the present pecuniary a ure that has crushed somany of the v y Institutions of our country"; and that there v : a disposition with all concerned to sustnin till better times shal! secure to it, its antic)ated prosperity and usefulness. TUITION. 'or the common English branches, $3.00. V he higher Eng. br. and Mathematica. 4,00 d ho Latm and French Languages, 5 00 u The Tuition to be paid at tho middle of lJ ie quarter, unleiss other arrangeruenta ere reviously made. Board and washinír ore v om 1,50 to 2,00 dollars per week, and a 'r amber of private rooms may be eDr;'ged hy a ich aa wish to board themselve's. The A chool is open to both eexes and all l ations. No Student will be received for " 33thafi half a Term; and no reductioo a ado for absence except for continued sick?bs. POSTER TüCKER. Sccretary of the Board. Gras8 Lake, June 23, 1841. lo4w

.ma pcuunauwes oí mis iviiermcal 'c und, are owing to itsextraordinary effects e on the anima] fibre or nerves, ligaments tc d rauscles, its virtues being carried by m em to the imraediatc aeat oí disease, or of re in and weakness. r However good any internal rcmedy may be ct is as an external application, will prove a eí iwerful auxilary, in removing the disense a' id faciliating the cure, in case of Local w imafion, Scroffulous Affections, King's rL vil, Gout,tnflamtory,and Chronic 'e m, and in all cases where seated pain or ']l saknees exiets. { A gentlemen travelling in the South of irope, and Palestine, in 1830, heard so aE uch said in the latter place, in praise of rl w David's Piaster; and of the (as he tn lereó) miraculous cures t performed, that in was induced to try it on his owa person, oi r a Lung and Liver afFection,the removal of a lich had been the chief object ot his a y, but vvhich had reeisted the genial nc ce of that balmy and delicioua climate.-- cc a put oue over the región of the liver: :n PE e mean time he drank freely of an íierb i of laxativo quahties. He eoon found c 5 health inproving; and 'm a,few weeks ' 3 cough left him, the sallowness of his skin sa mppeared, his pain was removed, and his il alth becarne permanently re-instated. It has likewise been very beneficial in in 3 of weakness, such as weaknes and pain ffc the etomach, weak limbs, lameness, and ections of the epine, female weakneas,&cc. ) female subject topain or weakness in tlie :k or side should be without it. Married lls lies, in delicate situations find great tni f from constantly wearing this piaster. 0D No puffing, or great notorious certiGcates eP' intended. Those who wish to eaiisfy ie' imselves of the cfficacy of this plastezcan a11 tain sufficient to spread 0 or 8 piasters for fet cents, a sum not half sufficient to pav for lt ' ï ineertion of a single certifícate into" any I h jur most comnaon prints, a single time. ma s Irifling price per box is placed upon il, ü' arder that it may be within the means of P( ;ry afflicted son and daughter of the 'a nity ;that all.whether rica or poor.may 8?VI i the treasuro of health, which reaultt biS m its use. suc few David's or Hebrew Piaster, is a i cure for corns1 and liberal discount made to wholeeale ln sers. pea )irections accompany each box. Pric 0I cents. esi )oolitlle Sf Ray, agents for Michigan. reC( !ountry agenls supphed by M. W. Birch ' &. Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLean T ltson; Dewey teCo., Napoleon: D. D1 ■■ f, Manchester; Eli is & Pierson. Cünton cen{ 3all, Leoni; G.G. Grewoll, Grass Lake M iler fc Powers, Concord. " ' inn Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf ProI ■ ■■ t M

frocmcc Ox every uescrapuO!]!, on U ECEIVED n payment for Job work, t Advertising and Suhscriptions to the j of gsav of Libebtï," if delivercd at the Gn ce, immediately over the Store of J Uir kley, &Co. April 28. J

ïn important dncovery for Rheumalism kever Sores, White Swellings, Inflammation in the Eyes, Burns, Sioelled Throat m Scarlet Pèver, Quinsy, c. Tuu Chkmical JPlaster is an important emedy for all thosè who aro afflicted with aflammatory complainls, by itseasing paine, ounteracting inflammation, and giving spee y relief, by its active, strengthening, anJ udorific properties.- An effectual remedv or inflamraatory rbeumatism, ague in tho reast, cramp, burns, bruises, scrofula, o!d ores, ulcers of almost every description ankered and s wel led throata arising froui sarlet iever, feluns, white swellings, chillams, &c. Persons euffering frora Jiver 3mpIaintP, pulmonary diseasea, inflamma-on on the lungs, with pains in the sidea ad breast, pain and.weakness in the back, II find relief. In all caBeg it may b used ilh safety. TO THE PUBLIC. 0 WHOM IT MAï COJÍCERN. This may certify that I, Erastus Dean, ie propnotor of E. Dean's Chemical Plasr, have for more than two yeara been in a alicate state of health, eo that I have been ïable to prepare and circuíate 8aid Piaster 1 that extent which tho interest of the sufring communky dernands; and feeling so article ought to be extensively ade known to the afflicted, I havo made rangements with H. HARR1S k. Co., or shtabula, Ohio, to manufacture and vend in my name as my solé successors. Thia erefore , may be relied on as the genuina ticle heretoiore prepared by me, Aa witnees my hand, ... ERASTUS DEAN. WERTFiEi,n, Chautauqce Co., N. Y. January L1, 1839. Penn Line, Pa. April 7, 1840. Measrs. H. Harris k. Co.- Sirs:- Sinc was atyour store in July last, I have used . Dean's Cheoiical Piaster, which I have ceived from you at different times, and el myself in duty bound to you as propriers, and to the people generally, to recomend tho game as a gafe and efficacioua raedy for those complainta for which it is commended. I have used it in severai sea of inflamed eyes, in some of which lts tects as a curative have been very decided, id in oo case haa it failed of giving relief hero it hos been applied according to dictions, and al) who have used it are perctly satisfied with it so far as I know. I ive also applied it in some severe cases of ;ue in the breast ivith the bappiest effecta. I would also leíate the case of MrThonj' Logan, who has been afflicted with th eumatisrn in one hip for thirteen yearB, bo ot he had been compellcdto abandon labor a great measure. I Int him have a box the PJaster, he applied it, and for three ys found, as be supposed, no benefit, but ;er that he perceived that ihe pain waj t so severe, and in lesa than two weeks be uld labpr hard all day and reet free frora in at night. He says that he would not part with the 'X he has for three hundred dollars, provig he could not obtoin ahother. He also ys to me, keep n on hand and recommeod wherever you go. I have ueed the piaster in casee of paini the sides, back, ehoulder, etc. with like od effect. Yours, rf-c. DANIEL KNEELAND. M. D, Monroe, June 18, 1830. Mesars. H. Harris &, Co.:- Sirs: I have 2d E. Dean's Chemical Piaster for more tn four years past, and do cheerfully. recimend il to Physicians for rheumati6m, ains of wriet, ankle, ehoulder, icc. In ons, whitlow, and scrofulous swellings of descriptions, it ia generally an effectual dedy. In short, wherever there js a pain s almost sure to give relief in a few hours. ave used t U a great number of rheuLic affections. One of my patiënt aged full habit, had a rheumatic sweiüag on s leg. He had been unable to get out of house for three months; hia leg wa illed to an cnormous size, tvvice its usual ness; every thing bad been done without cesa unlil we conunenced us'wg Dean's mical Piaster. We enveloped the knee a portion of the iimb in tho piaster, and tbree days the swelJing entirefj disaprod, and in ten days lic went about hia nary business. Sucb has been our buc: with the articlo, and we now wilhngly immeud it to the public for a trial.Yours &c. J.H. REYNOLDS. M.D. he piaster is now put up in boxea at 5a .6, and one dollar each. lade and sold, wholesalo r.nil retail, by MARRIS &Co„ Ashtabula, Qhio- oio jrietors. one genuino unlesa eigned by H. Harria he stereotype wrappcr. 'he above a'rticle raay be had at the ftor J. Ai'Lean, Jackson; Haie & Smitb, sa Lake, and by tho principal druggist lughout the State. iekson July 4, lïiiQ

Every man wornan and child in the Umtcd States, vvho possesses a Bible, vvill surely furnish thernsclves wilii tho fullowiugbeautiful series of sciipture Jllustrations. L00 3ictorial illustraUon of the bible, and views n the Holy Land. : Four hundred pages, Svo., fine paper handsomely bound, price only tvvo dollars.- The subscriber respectfully invites the attention of CJergyraen, teachers ot sabbath schools íieadá of families, and booksellers, througliout the United States, to the above new, cheap, and eplendidly Illustr;ted work, pubiished and for sale, at No. 122 Nassau Sreet N. Y. City. lts features are better dc-fined jy tho title: - Tvvo Hundred Pictorial Illustrations of the Scriptures, consisting of views in the Holy Land, together with many of the most reruarkable objects raentioned in the old and new tcstaments, representing sacred historica! events, copied from culebrated pictures, principally by the old masters, the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the sput, with i'ull and interestÏDg letter-press descriptions, devoted to an explanation of the obj.cts mentioned in the sacred text.On cxaminntioib this will be found a very pleasant and profitable book, especially for the perusa! of Yonng Peopje, abounding in the most vah:able information, 'collected vvith reat care, from the best and latest sources. It may, very properly, be deaignated a common place book of every thing valuable, relating to Oriental Manncrs, customs, and comprises within itsclf a complete library of religious knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the common An uals - It will never be out of date - It is beautifully printed in new long; primer type, handsomely bound in muslin, gilt and letter-i ed; and is, decidedly, the best and cheapest publication, (for the pricc,) ever issued from the American Press. The present work differs frora all others ever published in this country. The immense treasures of Art which the great Painters have bequealhed to us on sacred subjects, are here opencd fo all, as far as tbey aro capable of being diöused through the medium of wood engravings. Among our numerous numerous embellishinents, will be found the celebrated CARTOONS OF RAFFAELLE, and the series of the prophets, so magnificent ly portrayed by Michael Angelo in the Sistine Chapel. VIEWS IN EDOM(PETRA,)EGYPT,ec. These latter, and all the Landscape Scènes, are represented with that fidelity which we are now ablo to realize through the labors of recent travellers. The otherobjects.whether of Natural History, of Costume, or of Anticjuities, are, also, delineated with equal accuracy. Many of the IUustrations require little or no comment - they speak for fhemselves. The work cannot fail in proving acceptable to all denomination of christians. Porsons in the country, wishing to act as agents, may obtain all the necessary information, by addressinj; their letters to the subscnber, No. 122 Nassan street, N. Y. " ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. Clergymen, Superintendents and Teachers of Sabbath Schools, agents of religious news mpers, and periodicals, Post-mastera and 3ooksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our No etter will be taken frora the offico unless it s post paid. May 19, 1841. - 4 tf 3

In order thatthis valuable medicine should ribt be counterfeited, we have a píate represeuting a persian scène, that is struck on each bil), one of which accompanies each box. We deern it unnec" ;sar to publish a long list of certiflcates, as they will neither ádd to nor diminish Uie virtues of tbis admirable compound. Superior to the Hygeian,Brandreth's,Evan' touiatto, the Matctiless (pnced) Sanative, or' any other Pilis, or Compound, before the public, as ccrtified to bv Physicians and others. Let none condemn them unlil they have tried them, and they will nol. It is novv a sctlled point wilh all who have used the Vegetable Persian Pilis, that they are preeminently the' best and most efficacious Family medicine, that has yet.been used in America. If every family could bekome acqnainted with their Sovereign Pow er over disease, they would seek them and bt; prepared with a sure remody to apply on the firsi. appearance of disease and then how much distress would be avuided and money saved, as well as Uves of thousands who are liurried out of tiineby neglecting disease in ts iirst stages, or by not being in possession of a remedy which they can place dependence upon. All who wish to guard against sickness, should use the Persian Pilis freely, when needcd, no injury can ensue, if used from outh to oíd age, when taken according to :he directions.CERTIFICATES. L Rochester, Sept. 1840. Messrs Chase fyComjiuny: - GeDts. Sirs: - This is to inform you that we havcused your Vegetable Persian Pilis for a year past, in our pructice, and are, welJ )leased vvilh their operation. Believing them .o fulfil tlieir odvertisment, in answering as a substitute wbere calomel is indicated, we eau recommend them tn tlio public. Drs Brown, M'Kensie, &. Ilalsted Rochester, 1840. TO MOTHERS. Messrs. E. Chase S CoGents - Hearing much said about extraordinary effects ofthe Resurrectiun or Persian Puls, upon those about to becoine Moth ers, we were induced to raake a trial of them. My wife was at that time a mother of'5 childrcn, and had suiFered the most exexcruciating pains during and after herconfinement of each. Siie had tried every means and taken niucli medicine, but found litlle or no relief. She commenced taking the Persian Pilis about 3 mo. before her confinement (her health being very poor about this lengthof time previous,) and soon after was enubled hy their use to a:tt?nd to the cares of a motlier to her family until her coufinement. At the time 6he commenced taking the Persian Puls, and for several weeks previous, with a dry hard cough, and frequently severe cramps, which the use of the pills entirely removed before using lialfa box. It ís with great confidence that vvo advise ai] those about to beeome Mothers to makeuseof the Peisian Pilis. A!l thoae that have taken them in our neighborhood, have got along in the same easy manner, and are about the house in a few days. - There does notappear tobe halfihe danger ofother difficulües setting in after confine ment where these Pilis are taken. Wc unitedly say, let none neglect taking them for tliey are in the réach of the poor as vvell as the rieb. We are truly thankful that there is a remedy vvhich females can easily procure which biels to lessen the vfrorld of suffering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save the lives of thousands which othervvise would be lost. Rochester, May 14th, 1840; coriier of Cal edonia square, Edingburg street. For psrticulars; see subscribers. S. ROBERTS, A. O. ROBERTS.Gents.- I wish you to send a quantity of your Persian Pilis to tliis place, tbr I am sure tlioy would meet with a ready sale. My brother-in-law while passing through your place heard so much said in their behalf,that he was induced to purchase 4 boxes; and I may safely say that they have done more for myselfand a half sister of mine, than $400 which I liad paid to Doctors, and for other various prescriptions and medicines. I have used 28 boxes of Biandreth's Pilis, which gave me some partial relief. But your Pilis went right anead like a man of war. What passed off looked like ink. My disease has been named differently by every Physician; but my idea is, that it was a general vitice ofthe fluids which procluced symptoms of almost every disease. lt would be too tedious for me to give give you a history of all my difficultieö. I w;ts weak,dnll, stupid and reduced to a skeleton. All hopea of being restored had been given over, except by my brother-in-law. I took two boxes of your Pilis, and am ab"!ë to perform my duties in the counting room. My sister was consumptive - herliver was much affected, her legs ewelled - a harsh cough conutantly troubled her. One box of your Pilis entirely relieved her from all those symptoms. - I am about to remove to Burlington, and would wish an agcncy, &c. STEPHEN B. LUTHER.Jr. FEVER & AGÜE, CHILL FEVER &il Those in healih who live in marshy countries, and unhealthy climates, can avoid the disease to which their situations are subject, by taking the Persian pills once, and in some instanccs perhaps twice a week, to cleanse the eystem and purify it from the small accumulation ofeffluvia, which causes the different diseases, in different situations of the country. Thoec who find disease fast increasing upon thcm should take 6 or 8 pilis on going to bed, which will generally opérate as a gentle emetic and cathartic; after which Dontinue the use of them in smaller doses, as recommended in the other large bill. Those who ibüovv this course will find them a sure and never failing preventiveThose whose diseases are 6tubborn, should ;ake a sufficient quantity ofthe pills to yomt them once or twice, say every third ight ill their disease is subdued, tlien take them n smaller doses until evevy veetige of it íb ixterpated. Be no longer imposed upon by "Tonic Mixtures" "Tonic Bitters," or any inediino recommended to break the Fever and gue; as thoy all contain moro or lesa qui, JC4 ine and arnsniCj which, if they break the A. gue, injure the constitution, oftcn causin the patients to linger out a miserable eie tence, subject to every other disease. These pills do not break the Ague leavin the öcattercd fragmenta in the system, to show themselves in every other form, butby their cleansing propevties they root out every vestigo of disease, leaving the system free and healihy. and the constitution not only unimpaired but improved Those wlio wish a tonic biler can mako a most exceN lent one after tho receipt that accompanies uch box of pills. Doolittle and Ray, State Agents for Mich. igan. Orders addressed to M. W. Birchard &, co., wil! receive attention. Sold by üoct. Mc. Lean Jackson; Dewy &. co., Napoleon; EÜis & Pearson, Clinton ï. D. Kief, Manchester; T. Huil, LeonijC. G. G reveil, Grass-Lake; Keeler &t Powere Concord.

For removing uiseasea arising from nn abuso of Mercury, chrunic and constitutional _ discases, suchas scrofula or king's evil, secondary syphillis, ulcerations, corrosions of the throal, nose, cheeks, lips, ears and ülher paita of the body, eruplionson tiio skin, rhiumatic affections, white , swellmgs, pain3 in the bones and joints lever sores, obstinate old sores, scalled head, salt rheum, ring worm and other diseases arising frota an impure state of the blood. Also, habitual costiveness,. piles, chronic aiFections ot' the liver, lutig and chest, pains in ih: atomach and sidesr niglit sweats, &c. Iï is hkewise much recomniended as a cleansing spring medicine. This compound fluid extract is AlterativaDiuretic, Diaphoretic, Laxativo, Arometie, and slightly stimulent, and may be used succesöiulJy in scrofiulous and syphiloid diseases, and that sliatteredetate of the consti- tution wlíich so oíteu follows the abuse of mercury, exotoses or morbid enlargement of the bonee, eupiginous mustulcs of ringworm; ulcerations generally; caries of the iones; cartileges of ilie ncse, mouth, with the other diseases ;ibove mentioned, and all diseaes arising from a morbid state of iha iioöd. Thcre is hardly a physician who has not lad occasion to observe with pain, the phag edonic variety of herbs; and in spite of all their remedies he could bring against this cruel disease, was compelled to acknowledge their inefficacy and allow the monster to corrode and destroy the nose, cheeks, lips, eyeüd-s care und temples; parts of which Ihis malady generally afïects a preference. But in this extract, will be found a perfect remedy, in all such cases, aud whero the disease has not produced a very great derangement of structure, t will even yield to this rernédv in a verv short time.Within a very short poriod, there has been great ïmproveinents in France, on the pharmaceutical and chemical treatment of Sarea parilla, and it has been fully proved tha'. nine-tenths oí' the active principies of tliav valuable root is actually lost in tho ueual mode of preparing it for medical use. The compound extract being a very nice pharmaceutical 'preparatiun, requires ihe mo6t rigid care and skilful management, and not without strict reference to the pe culiar active principie of each of lts constit uents. The French chemists have ascertain ed by actual experiment, Ihat the active principie of Sarsaparilla is either destroyed by chemical chauge, or dnven off by the heat of boiling water; coneeqnently the preparaiiona from this root in general uee, (which are also frequently prepared by persona unacquainted with pharmacy, and from materials rendered inert by age or other wse,( can. have little or no effect upon the systeiu. ■ G. V. M. tak ing advantage of theee facts has adopted an improved process for extracting the medical virtues from the ac tive Ingredients of this compouud fluid extract, which are nine in number, without hcut; that is to say neither concoction, infu sion, or maceration are inado use of; nor ia the temperatura of the monstrum allowcd tu exceed 80 degrees Fah. until every partido of active principie ia exhausted, leaving a tasleless mass behind; thereby obtaining tho wholeof the soluble active principie in a highly concentrated state, leaving out tho fe cula vvoody fibre, Sic, which encumbers the extract obtained by decoction. The propn etor therefore has not only the Batisfaction of assuring the medical facultyand the public, that this remedy is prepared according to strict chemical and pharmaceutical rules ju', that hc also united some of the officinale valuable and active vegitables, all of iho choicest selection which matenally enhancea its value in the treatment of the dieease above named. He is therefore induced to offer this fluit] extract to physicians and oili ers under the fullest conviclion of its superiority over thal in common use. Physiciaus wlll iind great advantage in the use of this extract, and a great relief from the perplexities attendant upon the treatment of those obstinate case3 which bid defiance to every remedy; their confidence prompts thera to prescribe such a det and régimen as in their judgement the case would seem to indícate; - thereby giving the extract its full influence. This extract is prepared from,the best selectcd materials, without heat by an improved process; on an account of which, t is preferred by physiciana as being more active than any other now before the public. Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of G. W. Merchant, Chemist, Lockport N. Y. N. B. A liberal discouat made to dealj ers and Physicians. The above article may be had at the store af J. Mc'Lean, Jackson; Hale and Smith, Gfrass-Lake, and by the principie druggista -hroughout the state. W. S. and J. W. Maynard, and Luod ind Gibson, Agente, Arm Arbor. Jackson, July 4th, 1840.

Ijlanks ! iïlanli-s ! ! Blank ! ! ! "gTUST PRINTED, on fine paper end iJP in a superior style, a large assort tent of blank Summor.s, Suibpccnas, Execu ons, fcc. &c - Por sale at this office. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1 841. tf


Signal of Liberty
Old News