Publication Information

'Will be publtehed cvery Wednesday morn in" m Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michjran, by Uie Executivc Committoe, for the Michigan Stalc Anli-Slaveiy Society. N. SÃLLIVAN, PRINTER. Tehms. - $2,00 per annum, in advancc. f 2,50 in 8ix months. 08,00, if payment bo delayed to the close of the year. A strict adhorence to the abovc terms will be observed in every case. Advbrtisements thankfully received anti inserled at the usual prices in t ti is vicinity. Ar.yfriend of humanitydesiring to aid the aliso of Liberty, is authorized Xo act as Agent. Ali remittancrs and all Communications Ãeaignod for pabÃioátÃoa or in any manncr relating to the "Signal of Liberty,'1 vcill be fhcreafter addressccl ftpost phh)c3) "Sional of Liberty; Jlnn Arbor, JUich." SlGNAt. OF LIEERT F.
Signal of Liberty
Old News