A Dreadful Form Of Oppression

-II.A. Wise, of Va., in assigning his reasons for the re-aciopüon of the gag, uttered the lullowing upon the floor of. Congress: 'No, sir, instead ofoppressing the Norlh, rule prevenÃs the Norlh from oppressing us of tho South. With their schools, and book?, and leclurers, and associations, and fiiends, the abolitionists pessess airead y ampie means enough for annoying the Souih, and the only question is whelher we shall allow them also the privilege of pcrpettialty agitating the question in this hall? Wc abolitionists ought lo be on our guard, for if we con; mie thus to oppress the Soulh, ihcy wiii bc driven to madnoss, and will, in mere .pite, turn the same instrutnents of oppression upon thoir poor slaves! Iluw-dreadful it will be wheri they begin to oppress and annoy tho.se poor creatures with schools, and books, and lecturers, etc. And perhnps ihey will turn the earnc weapons against us. How should we like thal? How ahould we foei if the South should attack one of our peculiar institutions with "readin, writin, and siferin?" Bul togo beyond even all this, and pester our own representativas Ãq Congress with written expressions of our views as to the rigrrts of rrian, and the wrongs of tnan what insuperable annoyonce! It has become a question with our masters at the South whether they will allow it. - Free American. He ihat loses his conscience has nothing left that is worth kecping.
United States Congress
Old News
Signal of Liberty
H. A. Wise