Colonization In Canada

The following facts wero related to us by Dea. Paschal Abbott, of Andover Mass. The Deacon informed us that he passed up on the frontier in the summer er fa!l ot' 1837. At Leuislon he feil in withj five fugitive siaves, who wero set across to Canada. Soon aftcr they were sent across the river, the man-hunter from the! boulh made his appcarance, and bein niormed that they had been there, and gone p on thisside, he pursued after them asj hesupposed. It was truo that they wentl up on ibis side.but thoy only went up' a httle way to a boat, it being thought rather unsafc to take them across at the tnain ferry. In passing up D3a. Abbott rode incompuny with Re Bluve-huter,and told him that the siaves had been set across to Canada below. At this mformulion the man of the South was much exeited, and talked as might bo expectcd. He deciared that the year before he pursued some runaway slavea into that neighborhood, nnd after learning where ihey were, he hired a number of men to go wiih him to take thom, in the niglit, büt before they got to the place, one of tho men whom he had hired and paid a dollar for his ervice?, was missing, and when they carne to the plnce, he found that ihe man who had deserted thecompany, had been there and taken the siaves over to Canada.- Such a set of rascáis we have to deal with, said the patriarch from the South. Dea. Abbott nformed us that at Dunkirk, he feil ui with a company of fiftecn more óf these human catticon their way to Canada, aiLof -whom made good their passage over thé river. If then a stranger could iall in with fugitive siaves like that, can any one doubt ibero bcing ten or fifteen thousand in Canada, when it is understööd that they have been collectin there every season for many year? We may hereaftergive pther similar facts, but now we will only add, succesa to coloniza tion in Canada. It is rather cold but healthv.
Fugitive Slaves
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Paschal Abbott