
We have heretofore omitled the account of the meeting of the Maino Anti-slavery Society, wtiich took place at Hnllowcll, during the late eession of Congress. 'Feb. 4 1841. â ..-.,' Gen. Appleton was called tothechair. The constiiuiion was eo amended as to withdraw ihe society from its connection with the old Am. A. S. Society, and leave ir, like neariy all, theother State Sociélies independent. A very able annual report was read by Prof. VVm. Smyih. It was fully in favor of Independent Nominations. In consequence of adifference of views among the members on this point, the adop lion oà the Report was nót pressed, but Mr. Smyth was re-elected corresponding secretaryoftho society, and it was understood that, had the vote been taken, a large proportion of the members would have voted in favor of that policy. The resoiuiiori9 of the London Convention respecling Church Action were fully discussed and adopted. The Advocate of Freedom ay?, # 'It is beleived to have been the largest Anti-Slavery meeting ever held inthe state and piobably more delegates, and from a larger number of townswere together than ever before. The harmony of the meeting was delightful, its high moral bearing enobling, and its firmness in defence of truith encouraging. It was good to see the friends of theslave come up from the conflicts, and diiïïculties, and mistakes of ihe last year, prepared lo cast the mantlo ofr.harity over the past, and lek for the palh ofduty in the future. The political question, as was expectcd, was the one of leading interist. The discussion on it was manly and courteoua, and rcsulted in the entire üiumphoftruth. The great moral principies for which we have been contending were setlled imtnoveabiy in tlie minds of all present, so far as we know, viz, that it is a sitï ogainst God, our country, and the slave, lo give our political power to slavery. Mr. Lee demonstrated tilia n master'ly argumentaron, every link of which was se!f-evident. The audience seemed ready lo say O the power of Truth! It waa also made cqually evident thal the present political parties aresoconstituted as to afibrd no rcs])onsiblo ground of hope that this sin can be ávoided whilc abolitionisÃs
Anti-Slavery Society
Old News
Signal of Liberty
William Smyth
Hallowell Maine