
The South cnnnct agree what ia the best method of killuig abolition. Mr. Wise contends valianily ihat a GAG will most efiectually stop the ogitatÃon. A wrÃter in tke Richtnond whig,pledges 'his Jife' that a repeal of the gng rule will kill it ia six raonlhs. Hearhim:"Repeal ihat 21st article, wipe ofF that, foul blot upon the page of conatitutional legislación and my life for ix, Abolitionistn will be dead, dead, DEAD, in Jess than six montlis. But if you wish eterna} agitation and recrimination betweon our hitherto beloved and unitcd country" let ivl gag remnin 03 the bond of unión be- tween thé 'doughfaccs'" of the north and the South." Th ere is a dtseusaion going on in thia city, on the Bubject of slavery, betwoen Rev. Mr. Davis, ofGeorgia, and Rev. Mr. Lincoln, Gen. Appleton and oihere, of this ctty. - Portland Tribune. The progress of kaowledge is slow, like the march of the sun. Wo cannot bc him moving bul after a time we may porceivo thnt he ha moved onvrard.
Congressional Gag Law
Old News
Signal of Liberty