Illinois Synod

The following are the resolutions on iveholdirig in the church, which were :sed by tho Illinois Synod, at their sest ion held at CanioQ3 Fulton county, in Oc tober Uist: Whereas, it ia dcsi rabie,, that the testïmony on every subject sbould be clcar :rtd distinct; and as fermer declarations of synod on the subject of slavery are tiifÃerently understoodj therefore, 1. Resolved, That, in the judgment of this Synod, slavcholding is such n. palpable violation of the law of God, and so incompatible wilh the principies and maxiras of 'the gospel of Jesús Christ, that it ought nol to be toleraled in the church. 2. Tbat in tke present crisis, when, in the providence of God, most of the 6lave-holders are separated from our connection, it becomes us to improve the opportunity afforded us to exclude for ever all slavcholders from our pulpits and our communion. 3. We do earnestly recommend to the Pres'oyteries of which this Synod is composed, aad tho Sessions un!er their care, to take such order on this subject as shall exclude from Ãioir communion and pulpits all who are guiity of tiiis sin, huving been found thus guiity bya regular process of church diácipüne. 4. Therefore, while we corarniserate those who may be embaarrassed by the unrighteoug laws of some of the States of thÃ3 nation, and held unwillingly in the re lation of ma8ter, we would "have compaseion on such, making adifference, puiling them out of the fire, hating even the garmente spotted by the ñesh."