The Abolition Question

Mr Wise said - "We are scarcely seated in this House, before the hidcouá aspect of abolilion rises (o drive us from our pro prtety. The North, the whig Norib, the Harriaon whig North, will oot proceed to the business of the country,unti you and I, Mr. speaker, will consent to receive abolition petitiöns. That ia the issue,"&c. Mr. W. ppotinued at somo langth, proposing to yield on tho B-uik the tariflf, the public Lando, or aoy thing, rather ihan uffer this subject tapass lightfy; and con eludes ihus: "Tho House is not yef organized, and yet yo-j are following the abolition leader ot' MassacbusoUs on hÃ3 Iiell bound scent
United States Congress
Old News
Signal of Liberty