
In the House, Juñe 17th nnd 18th, the bill providing for the relief of Mrs. Hurrison, by giving her $25,000 as a reimbursmeot lot the expenses fncuned by Gen. Harrison in his removal lo Washington, ?us d.iscusscd atgreat length, and passed by a vote of 119 yeas lo 70 nays. June 19. - Mr. Adatns presented a pe tition praying for tho abolitionof sluvery in the District oÃ' Golumbia. ile stated, that he had eome hundreds of a similur claracter; and as. under the resolution adü)ed, which limits action for the present session to the subjecls of the Piesident's message, he BUpposcd thèy would lio na ihe tablc, with othère until the next ses8icn.To save ihe linie of the Ilonce, inslead fpresenting them in the usual manner, he proposed that they be presentcd lo the Cicrk lo be etitcred on the Journal.MesñfS'Dawaou, Wm, C. Johnsoii,and Maüory contended that the petitions could .'Gibo received atd luid on ihe tablc, unjer the resolution, Lut tlic qnesÃion of recepción 'as luid on the tablo, and th-Js the etilion was not received. tii it was dedded by the Speaker. Thus Mr . Adams waa denied the rjg5t qT presenting hia netitipns, yrbich he said hoi:Id be ehjbreed wiih regard to all others. Jvse21sI. - The bi! from the Señale for the repóal of the Sub-Treasury was taken up, aod refeiïed lo the comniittee on pjnauce. Mr. Adams presenteda boxof ebolition petiiions ore by one, Lriefly reciting their contentó, and remarked tliat tliè House sesmed so fond of them, ho ivouldprusent tbem u dose on each successive petition diy, assuring them he had a plentiful stock on hand. On Saturday, Mr A. presented apetition from two inhabitañts of BaÃtiinore, praying that Johu Quincy Adams may be cxpelled frora that IÃousa, which oxcited much qmusetnent.