Old School General Assembly

The conunittea of this body, on memoriala rc-Iating to slavery, reported that tliey deemed it oxpedient noi to offer them to the House; aaJ they proposed that the snme be röturned to the persor.g from whom they caaie. Mr. Steeio calied for the reaciing of one or tüors of them; but 'oy ihe holp of the provious qüestion Vhe whoie matter vas in deöaitoly postpoued. Ag.unat this decisión, 38ÃP and a fe7 ctÃjf9 ent.::r'd thcir prolcet. 'i.:ie clergy of this Assembly, who cali themselves Biehops, and ere leaders of the Chureh, refuae eea to look at a subject in which they are charged with committing sin, when respectfully presented to tht'ir noticfi by thoir own church rr.emhers. These are tlio men who teil people to eearch their own boartsi In reference to the elave, too, how exact!y does their conduct coirespund with that of the Priest and Leviie towards the man yho feil arnong thiüvrs. Luke 10: 31, V,i. â Vhon such men are leaders in the Church, is it that nfideiily abounds?
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty