Bank Of Michigan

-The Freo Press haspublishcd a list of tin; notes which havo been assigned by the Bank to Messrs. Dwight, eastorn etockiiolders, amountmg1 to no less thaa 775,467,81. What coneideration the Bank has received for this large amount of â propcrty, we havo not been ahle to learn,- U;less Gometbing considerable has been realized for t, we epprehend that the dividend to the bilNholders wilj be email. (tWhilc the ate Hr. Ladd was lecturing on Peaco throcgh the" Siate of New York he becarae go feeble thr.t he was sorastimes obliged to sit, end at others to stop and rest while in the pulpit. Soveral times he preacid on his knees! Mr. Ladd left iiis whole estáte to the American Peace Society, re serving a few Inviel bequcsta for his friends, and an ampia life eetate to his widow. ff?"Th8 Bntieh Govern:nent has deBpatched an expedition to the river Niger for tho purposo of exploring the country and forming treaties with thü nalive chiefs for tiie abolition of the slavo trado. It consiste of three Bteam vesBeia, commanded by threecaptains of the royal navy. They are furnished with evory thing neceesary and comfottable. ttFTho Comptroüer of the Stat of New York will sell, on the 3d of August, the bonds and mortgagea of eleven banka of that Statet whicb haye failed to redeem their bilis. Kive Rf ifia eleven ?re lotated in Buffalo.
Bank of Michigan
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