Celebration Of Independence

At Dexter, the day was celcbrated in 4he usual manner on Monday last. The railroaci having been compleled to that f place, we understand that a freo passage wasgivenby the Slale to the citizcnsof Detroit frnd oiher places on the route of llie ruil-road, who rnight chooso lo attend. The duy was p.'eusant, and a largo concourse assembled. The oration by llie Rsv, L. D.xvie, of the M. E. Church, brought procninently to viewtheict, that the general prevalcnco of intelüg'ence and religious principie is ausolutely necessary toihe maintenance of nutional iiberiy. - He dwelt witli considerable emphasis on "our noble and free inslituiion?," and conciuded by designating ourown country, as "tlje land of the free.and the home of the brave1.'3 He also gave a description of our nationil Legislature, and rrpresenled the rnembers as worthy of being the representativos of a ïteo pcople. A stranger to our institutions never would have divined from that oration, that in this "land of the freo" evervsixth individual is a slave, liable to bc sold at auction, deeded, mortgaged, bartered as property, and inventoried with the brutes of the field. Neither would he have learned frorn that discourse, that Congress, ior severnl years iu succeasion, hos refused to hear the voice of morethan a million peiiioners for the emancipation of the slavea in our ISiatipnal Torritories, thus at the same time, and by the 6ame act, showing thcir contempt for the natural rightsof men living under their exclusive jurisdiction, and an equal contompt of the constitutional rights of those free men who petilioned in their behalf. Neither vas it mentioned that many of these same membtÃfs of C;;ngross, t!ushighly extolled are gamblers, dueliists, sabbalh-breakers, fiátfighlers, horse raccr?, and profaneïwearers, and that their evil practises are conti nually developed at the seat of governrriént'. Why should not these trulhs be lold in the ears of the people on the anniversary óf our independence, that they may perceive how nmch liberty is really tnjoined in the nation, and to what kmd of guardians tliev have committed il?
American Independence
Old News
Signal of Liberty
L. Davis
Dexter Michigan