Ann Arbor Celebration Of Independence: For The Signal Of Lib...

INcvcr has it been our pleasure to witncs3 a more praise-worthy commemora(ion of the birih day of our uation than this. We were first adverlised of our du(y to cal! (o remembrnnce that day of gratiUide, by (he very appropriate arrangement of-tfae Washtépaw Guards on Friday eve;!'no .'ne sound of nvutial music, and exhibition of mplements ofwar,iiwLkened reiieclions in the pasl inexpressible dangers and trials of our ancestors, more eflectualiy than could the pen or the orator. On Salurday, at an early hoar in the morning, a bëautifüj company of Sabbath School chüdrencollected at 'the Methodist chapel and pruceeded from thence to the Prcibyteriun church, accorapanied by the band of Musicians. Here the audiencel iistened to an able and rich address by F. Sawyeh, Esq. afier which, the Rev. J. P. CibvlajÃd addressed the Sabbalh School chüdren. His style and suljecis were hiötb amusing and instructive. Tiie children had been well instructed; as their very excellent deporiment evinced, from the beginnin to the close of thoexercises. Their guide had been the s word of truth; their discipline, the principie oflove. The fear of God, and love of each other, depicted on each countenunce, and manifested in every rnovement, was abundant evidenceofthis. Too much praise cannot be awarded to them. The exercises were interspeiaed with music by the band,choir and chüdren.Every Clmsiian and Philanthropist, should rejoice, tliat the day is past in which the évidence3 of our {ndependence consist in the right and privilege of Father's tö rob their chüdren of bread, to procure the meap.sof revelüng and drunkenness; and under it3 iniiuence shamefully to abuse tho companion of their bosom; or, in the right of the young man? to riot in intoxication and debauchery, But we should do injustice to the ladies who contributed most largely to the con viviality of tha day; should we neglect to give tcstir.iony, that on this occasion, as on 11 other occasions connected with our glorious independence, they by their liberal ïand, tasteful genius and cheerfulnances inspiredall with a lively zcal. Last yeur, we attended a similar celebration, where many of the juvenile corapany vvere attended by siaves. Slaves were in attendance to administer the refreshments our freedom enjoyed. As we marched beforc, beside and behind, were the enslaved of every hue, mocking our pretensions. Solemnly and sorro.vfully they bore it; humbly praying, (musà not that man be blcst, whose very propeity prayg?) that they soon, thro' iheir friends, might join us, in celebrating a day of freedom and Independence.
American Independence
Old News
Signal of Liberty
F. Sawyer
J. P. Cleveland
Ann Arbor Michigan