
The excitement against Ihc Corn Lawa continúes very great in Englaud, but it is much surpass-ed by the feeling which exists in Scotland. The re is scarcely a town or district of the leaat importance that has not petitioned, prepared to petition, or taken some other measures to accomplish the overthrow of the land lord's monopoly. The Charlists have had a split. They are nowdivicled into "The Rutional Charlist, and "The O'Connell Chnrtists." - The rationulists are for erecting institu- tions for the moral, inteliectual and political improvement of the artizan, before any atlempt is made to carry the charter. A chartist petition was lately presenled to the House of Commons, sicned by 1,300 000. b - â ïloslili'.ies have been recommenced between the English and Chinese. The former have attached and taken the Boue forts, and a thousand prisoners, nwjt the loss of a man. The E iglish wcrc inlending to proceed to Cantón. The Baak uf ihe tluitedStalèa hascued Nicliolas Eiddle for tibout $700,000 paid out during hÃ3 admistration for which no voucher can be found. Mr. Birney and lady have just arrived at Cincinnati. He gave a short lecture at Uityton while on his way.