Special Meeting, Of The Michigan Wesleyan A. S. Society

llie undersigned hereby gives notice that there will be a meeting ot the above Society, held on the ISth of day August next, at the Corners, six miles north-ivest of ihc village f Plymouth, Wayne county, near the chveN lings of Rufus Thayer and Rev. Samuel Bebens. The otject of this meeting, after strengthening eaoh others hearts and hands by the exchange of the friendly salutation, and tho adopiion of such prelimhiaries as usually take pkes at such meetings, to secure, if deenseo' practicable, certain important Amendment8 to our Constitulion, either at this special meeting or at the next annual meeting: amendments, supposed by many, to nftect vitally the interesis of Abolilion iu the Methodist cburch. The members of the Auxillianes, alfeady formed; and membors of the M. E. Church; Aboliiionists and AntiAbtilitionists, and members of the Wesleyan Methodist church, and all other churciue9, who feel so disposed, are invited to attend. I am authorized to announce that ampie accovnmodations vvül be provided tbr by the friends in the vicinity, tor all who may attend. Il is probable the meeting will last L days. Opening exerciees wil! commence at 11 o'clock, Wedneeday, 13th of August. V. MEEKER,jRec. Sec. July 6, 1841.