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U.S. Court Postpones Film Case

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U. S. Court
P":; lies
Film Case

(Special to The News' J

DETROIT — Federal District
Court Judge Theodore Machroj
wicz had adjourned until 3 p.m.
Friday a show cause hearing
on actions stemming from the
confiscation of the film "Flam|
ing Creatures." The judge's de^
cision came this morning fol«|
'lowing conferences in his cham.1
bcrs with Ann Arbor City attor-j

"G^n^1 t^aW^ ^ th-e -de?
fense. J'*8' " v \

Attorneys for 1-our persons ar"-|
rested for showing the film a|
the University of Michigan's
Cinema Guild are seeking ai|
i nWte^W-"" ~": ~r-1 the s ei zur^

r films. They;.
art,' a iso sfyiving $15,000 dam"?
ages against two members o(
the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment and a member of the|
prosecuting attorney's staff. _J|

The ilcU-nage suit has beeifi
tilcil against. Dct. Lt. Eugene
1,. Staudenmaier, Police Chie<
Waller E, Krasny and Assistant
I'rnsi.' Attorney Thomas
F. Shea. , ;

Shea and Prosecuting Attor-j
ney William F. Delhey were iifi
Detroit along with City Attor-H
ney Jacob F. Fahrner Jr. and-
his two assistants Fred Stein-1
gold and Peter Forsyth'- "Krns"
ny and Staudenmaier v Oi.
here for the hearing. [
.Ellen P. Frank, Mary E.I
Barkey and Elliot S. Barden^
all University students and Hua
bert I. Cohen, an English in-1'
structor in the College of Engi-i
ncci-in!:'. were arrested anc||
(•i!:;!;-''^ with showing an ob|
scene movie. A Municipal Court?
hearing on their arrest was|
scheduled for 2 p.m. today. 'j

It was understood that Deacj
! Robb, attorney for the four de|
{fcndants, sought adjournment ds
the case in District Coi;"' here'

Police seized the film i-<
ing Creatures" as it wa.^ being,
shown at the Cinema Guild Jan.^
18. . j