U.S. Court Postpones Film Case
U. S. Court
P":; lies
Film Case
(Special to The News' J
DETROIT — Federal District
Court Judge Theodore Machroj
wicz had adjourned until 3 p.m.
Friday a show cause hearing
on actions stemming from the
confiscation of the film "Flam|
ing Creatures." The judge's de^
cision came this morning fol«|
'lowing conferences in his cham.1
bcrs with Ann Arbor City attor-j
"G^n^1 t^aW^ ^ th-e -de?
fense. J'*8' " v \
Attorneys for 1-our persons ar"-|
rested for showing the film a|
the University of Michigan's
Cinema Guild are seeking ai|
i nWte^W-"" ~": ~r-1 the s ei zur^
r films. They;.
art,' a iso sfyiving $15,000 dam"?
ages against two members o(
the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment and a member of the|
prosecuting attorney's staff. _J|
The ilcU-nage suit has beeifi
tilcil against. Dct. Lt. Eugene
1,. Staudenmaier, Police Chie<
Waller E, Krasny and Assistant
I'rnsi.'cul.ing Attorney Thomas
F. Shea. , ;
Shea and Prosecuting Attor-j
ney William F. Delhey were iifi
Detroit along with City Attor-H
ney Jacob F. Fahrner Jr. and-
his two assistants Fred Stein-1
gold and Peter Forsyth'- "Krns"
ny and Staudenmaier v Oi.
here for the hearing. [
.Ellen P. Frank, Mary E.I
Barkey and Elliot S. Barden^
all University students and Hua
bert I. Cohen, an English in-1'
structor in the College of Engi-i
ncci-in!:'. were arrested anc||
(•i!:;!;-''^ with showing an ob|
scene movie. A Municipal Court?
hearing on their arrest was|
scheduled for 2 p.m. today. 'j
It was understood that Deacj
! Robb, attorney for the four de|
{fcndants, sought adjournment ds
the case in District Coi;"' here'
Police seized the film i-<
ing Creatures" as it wa.^ being,
shown at the Cinema Guild Jan.^
18. . j
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Crime & Criminals
Courts - Federal
Ann Arbor Police Department
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Ann Arbor - City Hall
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William F. Delhey
Walter E. Krasny
Thomas F. Shea
Theodore Machronwicz
Peter Winchell Forsythe
Mary E. Barkey
Jacob F. Fahrner Jr.
Hubert Cohen
Fred Steingold
Eugene L. Staudenmaier
Elliott S. Barden
Ellen P. Frank
Dean A. Robb