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U Denies Its Stock Affects Film issue

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U Denies its Stock
Affects Film Issue

By Roy Reynolds

"The purchase price is being paid o

ceived by f
field Cm;

funds an'

wk. Thr •

University purposes.

He also said the contract between the'
U-M and Butterfield calls for the stock ti>
be fully owned by the U-M "in the early
1980s," but added that the present rate of

the stock, he added, because it is not list-
ed and cannot be sold on the market by
the U.M. according to the contract with
Bulterfield. An official at Butterfield's

Slate Rep. Perry Bullard. D-Ann Ar-
bor, contended earlier this week that be-
cause the U-M owns "f>,940 shares (34

field Michigan Theatres Inc.," the U.M

(J-M V. "-- " •

The regf
voted 5 to
rampus fil

•h would be "acceptable" to
L, Water,. D.Muskegon, voted

Rep. Builard. not b'y one uf the f>:

profit U-M student groups which i-
*jy sponsor films for public viewing-

lially greater thmn 11; liiin rensorship
than "guidelines" concerning film con-

i Questioned by Ri^ciil R^'crt Brown.
Kenny s.-i'i ; film

pect gri rosts
of $103.D- ii»0 to

torium rent, $7,200 for ads in the Mich-
igan Daily, £12.000 for other expenses in.
eluding salaries, Sfi.OOO for a special free

He added that U-M auditor isf student
Asked by Brown what would happen if
i-^heed for 20

Responding to questions from Regent
Lindemer Kenny said two-thirds of New
World Co-op's 30 members are U-M stu-
dents, with membership open to "anv-


$156 tuition tu L.

during the sprm;, -,.,.,..-.. ..... ,

fered to pass his student iiientifii.

Brown declared "I'm aghast" ':,..,.
Prof. Marvin Fclhriiii. .-iiairman D! ^

heiro said the equipment is frequently
used to show films requested for specific
U.M classes.