Argus Leases Summer Site For Employes

Argus Leases Summer Site For Employes
Big Independence Lake Tract Will Be Used As Recreation Center
Argus Cameras, Inc., announced today that it has leased a 150-acre tract on Independence Lake as a summer recreation site for its employes.
Covered by a five year lease with renewal options is the entire east shoreline of the lake, which lies about eight miles northwest of Ann Arbor. The area under lease is commonly referred to as “Jennings Grove.”
A company spokesman said that Independence Lake was selected after months-long surveys of numerous lake sites.
Improvements Begun
Detailed plans for enlarging and improving facilities in the area are already in motion.
Company employes, from the president on down, have already cleared debris from the area preparatory, to immediate usage by employes, their families and friends.
The area, to be known as the “family site,” is available to employe members of the firm’s Recreation Club. The only requisites to membership are employment at Argus and a minimum fee.
Part of the fee is to be used for maintenance and improvement.
The site, including two heavily wooded areas and boasting a fine bathing beach, is already partially developed with picnic tables, swings, a bathhouse, cooking area and restroom facilities, and ten rowboats.
Future Plans Told
Argus officials said that future plans include enlargement of existing facilities, a baseball diamond and barbecue pits, plus possibilities of developing a camping site and constructing a pavilion.
The firm is to provide all materials, while club members are expected to furnish the labor for improvements.
A new road has been cut into the area from Jennings Rd., thus bypassing private property over which present access trails run.
Argus said it would respect the rights of the nearby residents who have used the area for access to the lake, under an agreement with the owners.
The project was developed to provide, as one management official put it, “a nearby recreation j area where Argus employes, their families and friends can relax at, practically no cost to them.”