J. H. Detweiler Leaving Argus

J.H. Detweiler Leaving Argus
Will Take Position With Milwaukee Firm
Joseph H. Detweiler, a vice-president of the Argus Cameras Division of Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., has accepted an executive position with a manufacturer of electric motors in Milwaukee, Wis., it was announced today.
Detweiler will begin his duties with the Louis Allis Co. about Oct. 1.
Detweiler, of 1912 Austin Ave., joined Argus in 1949 and since has held several executive positions.
He is a former Ann Arbor United Fund campaign chairman, former chairman of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce board of directors and a former chairman of the Ann Arbor City Republican Committee.
Detweiler holds a BS degree from Princeton University and a master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.
He is married and has four children.