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Change Of Administration: For The Signal Of Liberty

Change Of Administration: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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Now that the business of President-ma - kiiiL' !ias partially subsided, it would be wel! for cvery well wisher to his country to enquire into the present condition of ournational aifiirs, and sec what good has been attained, or what evils have been obviated by the change in our national adminislraiion. Huw stands the case? Prcvious to the laat election, the country was governed by an administration which was ërïlirëly subservien' to theslaveholdiug interest. It was sustained by the South expressly on the ground of its devotion to slavery. The infamous gag rule, which no party will now own was carried hy democratie vote?, year aftcr year. The President gave a pledge of loyalty tothe South in advanco. The Vice President was a slaveholder; the head ofdepartments wöre pro-slavery. Now, under the Whig administration, we have a slaveholder tbr President, thereby disgracing the nation in the cyes of all the earth . He oughl to have emancipated his before he entered upon the dulies of his office, just to preserve the credit of the nation, ü' for nothing more. But the dominant party have put him in "just to please the South." Or rather, the South have elected him, and the North has consented to it. The Northern, Whigs would now support the gag, if their popularity at home would permit. Mr. VYise haaasserted in Congress that the Whig administration agreed to leave the Bubject of Southern rights "untouched," and he confidently trusted "in them? not to repeal theyj21st rule. Mr. Briggs, of Massachusette, ,m the débale on this subject, June 15, said, "If a single rule was to be inserted í which would bear hard upon him and his constituents, he would bow in submission i tfiat the business of the nation might be attended to!" As though there was business ! of more importance, than the preservation (of the rights of himself and his constitujents! Lel none find fault any longer with ■charges of whigs "bowmg down to slavcry," whcn hey stand up in their places in Congress, and declare they are willing to " BOW IN SUHMI36ION ! " We see, then, the prospect before us. - Slavery is likely to be slill, what it has been heretofore, the great fountain head of influence - the progenitor of all national measured - the dispenser of power and reputation lo whomsoever it will. What measure can be carried againsi its will? - What measrue which it supports can be succcsnfully resisted? It ma'kes no diflofencc whetber the administraron be called Whig or Democratie. It s sure to be pro-slavery. Has nol the greatest of northern Statesmcn " bowed in submission" to slavery, and submitted so far, too, that he is afraid toopen his mouth on the subject, and is obliged to be mum on abolitionism? What office of dislinction can be altained by a norihern man who is opposed to slavery? Has not Mr. Granger declared he should expect to be cjected from office, should he become an abolitionists? Is not this good authority? Who has had a better opportunity of knowing the condilion on which office can be obtained, than he who has discussed this vcry matter with the head of the administraron himself? Uuder this view of the case, then, ought not every honest man openly to come out, and oppose this sum of all vil- lanies - oppose it in his social intercourse - oppose it by his vote- oppose it in the church, and in every place where its pestiIcntial influence is displayed. He is bound to do this in consisíeney, for how can he cali himself a frienú lolibertyand equal rights, and yet in any manner sustain the worst systemof oppression the world ever saw? If every one who is rationally convinced that slavery is a national evil and disfrace, would use againstit all tho moral and política! influence he possesses, the institu - tion would bc speedily overthrown, and our chnracter as a nation no longer a byeword and reproach.