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Argus After 25 Years

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Argus After 25 Years

ARGUS CAMERAS, Inc., celebrat-
cd on Friday the 25th anniver-
ary of the firm's entrance into the
field of camera making—an eventful
25 years for those associated with
Argus and a quarter-century during
which Ann Arbor has benefitted
greatly from the presence of this
unusual company.

J. J. Riggs, president of Argus,
marked the anniversary by announc-
ing another sizable cut in the price
of the internationally known Argus
C-3 camera, which has become the

'r'ld's hpsf-seller in

.1 xui many years

mpletely dominat-
ed the market. This
was another step in
Argus' campaign to ll^ii^i,
meet the challenge
of price-cutting and
foreign competition.
Both Riggs and Clin-
ton 11. Harris, chair-
inc ;n-d. Riggs
spokt upliniL-'.i.ically of the company's
future as a marketing subsidiary of
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., al-
though neither attempted to mini-
mize the problems involved.

Harris paid tribute to the enter-
prise of the company's founder, the
late Charles A. Vcrschoor, who start-
" ' Corp. 30
,•-:!;;; •,, n-i-d the first
plastic case ;d the first clock
radio. It wa& Vci\ichoor, too, who

put the company into the camera
business as International Research
Corp. Argus has diversified its pro-
duction over the years and was a
valuali' 'ier for the military
during '.'-.,L_ War II. Us expansion
into projector mar, ng has
been so successful thc.i ^,^ company
.has under construction a new 100,-
000-square foot projector plant in
Columbia, S. C. Argus also has
moved into the educational market
with a low-cost, closed circuit tele-
vision <;anii£ra»av • _

•"""waa ^

ANN ARBOR is happy to join

Argus in observance of its 25th
anniversary, as Mayor Cecil 0. Creal
and the City Council noted in their
resolution of congratulations. Argus
has done more than
provide jobs and
pay taxes; it has al-
ways shown a real |
interest in commun-
ity affairs, support-
ed the United Fund
and other projects
generously and in
other ways contrib-
uted to progress. In
our eagerness t o
bring new research Harris
industry and other enterprises into
the community, we should not for-
get the valuable contributions over
many years of the long-established
companies in the Ann Arbor area.
Argus is one of these.