George Burke Heads Argus Committee
iay, September 23, 1949
George Burke
Heads Argus
Firm's Operating Group
Enlarged Following
Death Of Porter
George J. Burke, sr., Ann Arbo
lawyer, has been named chairman
of the operating committee of
Argus, Inc., by the firm's board of
, directors.
' He succeeds the late G. Stanley
Porter, Jackson industrialist and
board chairman who headed the
operating committee until his
death Sept. 11 in a fire at his
dark Lake summer home.
Other operating committee mem-
bers announced today, are John
Airey, chairman of the hoard of
King-Seeley Corp., R,udolph R&ich-
ert, president, of The Ann Arbor
Bank, and James M. Delanp; ''•''
; Chicago, general manager of /
since the resignation in June &..
Robert D. Howse as president of
(the firm.
; Holdover operating commitf
^members are H. L. Fri singer atq
iHomer Hilton, both members or
ithe board and members of the
(original three-man executive com-
mittee which preceded the present
pxpanded operating committe and
iiad been headed by Porter.
Stockholders of the firm hold
their annual election of officer^
; November 16. , ..:•-•••.
Ann Arbor Businesses
Argus Camera
Local History
Photographic Equipment & Supplies
Argus Inc.
Accidents - Fatal
Accidents - Fire
King-Seeley Corp.
Ann Arbor Bank
Ann Arbor News
Old News
George J. Burke Sr.
G. Stanley Porter
John Airey
Rudolph Reichert
James M. Delaney
Robert D. Howse
H. L. Frisinger
Homer Hilton
Clark Lake