Sheriff Reveals Resignation Appointment

Sheriff Reveals
Resignation^ j
Sheriff George A. Petersen
today announced the resigna";
tion of a uniformed deputy and
the appointment of a Chelsea
man to fill an existing vacancy
ln his department's road patrol
Douglas ,). Harvey, 31, of 1530
'McCarthy, Ypsil;i"i' township,
a former Ann
Arbor fireman
who has also
served as a pa-
trolman with
the Y p s i 1 anti
Police Depr
ment h;^ ;
si g '
come u i,^..;i,i.,
guard with an|
automotive corn-*
pany. He served Bushroe
four years on a U. S. Navy de-,
stroyer in the early 1950's ana|
we.? a fireman with the locaS
depart ment tor two years and'
an Ypsilanti policeman for i
about five years. Harvey has -[
been a deputy for the past twol
years. :^
Named to fill a vacancy lefty
by the recent death of a uni-
formed deputy was Buford Q.
Bushroe, 22, of Chelsea.
A fee deputy f^'- ^ past|
year, Bushroe i." ic'd to|'
go on road patrol iUi>;. >,i;i of the!
County Jail headquarters this
He is a Tecumseh native and
n..,. ,>,.sf!,,ated in 1960 from;
igh School in Deer-it
neiu, in.ti.i. He completed a'i
three-year enlistment with the
National Guard last year and '
during that term served on oc- (
casion as a military policeman, t
Recently Bushroe has been a 1
part-time patrolman with the c
Police Department in Mam '\w>- '-
ter. '
He formerly worked as a ma- •'
chinist in a Chelsea factory and; I
most recently was employed as^
a clerk at the U-M Television
Center. He is married.