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Well Done Michigan!!!--the First Mass Temperance Meeting In ...

Well Done Michigan!!!--the First Mass Temperance Meeting In ... image
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Ncver has it fallen to our lotto witness a more glorious and deeply ihterestmg Temperance Jubilee ihan the one at Ypsi lanti on the third inst. We anticipated D large meeting, and thought perhapa some liuïulreds might be in altendance; büt the morning of the glorious third arrived, when we at Ann Arbor, joined by our western fiiends, in all, some six hundred, entered the Cars, ond soon found ourselves in the Iieauliful villoge of Ypsilanti; whero we were greeted by a large delegation from Detroit ; and from the immense multitude our eves behcld, we were almostready t conclude ih'at the enlire inhabitants of the surrounding couutry, had for once, cometo )ay their devotiou to the gloriuus cause of entire abstinincefrom all that can intoxícate. We formed in procession, headed by several bands of music, and under the supervisión of tl) e Marshall of the day , MajC. Rollo, we marched toa beautiful grove on the banks of our beloved Huron.where nature had prepared a dclightful place for the accummndation of the numerous army oïtec-tolaller's who were present. Aftei the audienco were seated, the exercisee were commenced wiih praycr by the Rev. Mr. Duffikld - it was a soul-stirringtime - the number assernblcd - the scenery with which we were surrounded; the grand object of our meeting; and the bright prosectof speedy and abundant succes, rendered it uiterly inipossible forany to pray} isten or rrflect, without feelings of the most extatic pleasure. AAeran excellen1hymn, admirably sung by the Ypsilanti choir. H. H. EmM'N?, Esq. tlelivered an Address - it was one ofdeep and thriiling interest; - abounding in "thoughts that brcathe and v0rd3 tliat burnj" and so (ar as we know it was universally admircd: - as a Jit( rnry production, and a temperance address, ii was emphatically a good one. Afier the address closed,an abundant repast was provided, probably somewhere from thirty to forty hundred person9 partook of it to their entire satisfaction, and more than "Uvelve baskets of fragmenls were taken up." For this valuable entertainment we were indebted to tiie good )eople of Yjisilanti; and certain we are, ïat so far us neatness, varicty and abundnce are concerned, they will never be surpassed. Dinuer beingfinished, the vast multitude Iiung wilh brenthless atteniion; (save now and then a chee:) upon the lipis ofMessrs Smitii, Barnes, Ripley,CoLLUM, D.AWcOIf, Cl KAVELAND, S.C. who favored the audience with somc spiritcd remarks louehing the lise, progress and prospecta of our born enlerprise n this and other countries. Fuur o'clockarrtved,and ihe meeting atljourned until evening, but most of the delegates left, and soon found thcmselves in the enjoytnent 'of iheirpeaceful homes. But we must close? and tbr the present bid adieu to those pleas ing reflections (hut cluster around our mind while penning this hasty sketch. - May heaven continue to smile upon our fceble fcfibrts for the advancoment of the great and holy cause of tee-totalism until overy individual in this and other Junds will be ready to "Pledge eternal Hate, Ti nll that can Intüxicale."