Murray Services
MILAN - Funeral services for Mrs. Eda Justina Murray, 71,
of 5555 Milan.Oakville Rd., Au.
gusta township, who was killed
dent near »ill be
held at - at the
M. Huglies officiating.
Cemetery, Milan.
Mrs. Murray was bon-
April 27, 1889, at Port Cre-
Mich., a daughter of Peter ,
I='""T"I Storbeck. She ii..u
• ••• II. Hall were married
I 27, 1908, at Kinde,
iic died in April, 1941.
.,,n ...i.n married Harold Mur-
ray on Dec. 10, 1955, in Milan.
ilan Methodist CI- •'
'lall of Ypsilanti, S.
and 3
nd Elmer Storbeck of Cli'd;
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Vernon Hall
Sidney Hall
Rev. William M. Hughes
Peter Storbeck
Mrs. Lewis Schneider
Mrs. Frederick Young
Mrs. Andrew Drattie
Lloyd Hall
Laura (Storbeck) Mitchell
Kenneth Hall
Harold Murray
George H. Hall
Fred Storbeck
Esther (Storbeck) Herries
Emma Storbeck
Elmer Storbeck
Eda Justina (Storbeck) Murray
Carrie (Storbeck) Kelley