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Mrs. Pearl Crawford

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Mrs. Pearl I. Crawford, 74, the widow of Harry A. Crawford of Ann Arbor, died this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Morgan, 1576 Barrington St., following a long illness.
She formerly had lived at 702
Pearl St., where Mr. Cra
sas in the fish bait bit

Mrs. Crawford was
April 3, 1886, ill Coshoctoi)
County, 0., the daughter of
John R. and Candis D. Driebel-
bis Lower.

She married Mr. Crawford

and Dundee before moving to
Ann Arbor in 1917. Mr. Craw-
ford died Dec. 18, 1958.

Mrs. Crawford was a member
of the Free Methodist Churc
of Ann Arbor.

She is survived by two daugl

Rex'Beach, also of Ann A;

four sons. Loyal and Burl
Ann Arbor, Charles of D.
iivard of Honor, 'i:


Petersburg, Fla., and Mr;

Fred Haight of Kentucky; and

Funeral services will be held
at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Much.
lig Chape], the Rev. B. Gerald