Long Illness Fatal to A. L. Schaffer
Long Illness Fatal
To A. L. Schaffer,
Insurance Agent Here
A. Lee Schaffer, 51, of 1451
Rosewood St., an Ann Arbor in-
surance agent, died early this
morning in University Hospital
after a long illness.
Mr. Schaffer, an Ann Ail
resident for some 22 years, had
been an agent with the Prudential Life Insurance Co. for 15 years. His office
was at 317 Muni c i p a 1 Cour1
BIdg. Prior to
joining the insur-
ance company, he was associated with local service
Mr. Schaffer was born in St.
Louis, Mich.. May 4, 1904. a son of
Fred Mild Lorella Schaffer. IIi"-
.''alher, now of Belleville, survive.-.
Other survivors include his wil^.
Rhoda, and a sister, Mrs. Wayrie
Smith, of Detour, Mich.
Mr. Schaffer was graduated
from high school in St. Louis
and from Fen-is Ins! it ult.' in Dig
He was a member of the Barton
Hills Country Club and was active
in Masonic affairs. He was pil^l
iiittstt'r of Gulden Ruir' Li»(i,L;e No.
1:")!) ami a niembt'r of Zai - Gaz
Grotto ciii(] \V;»shifna\v Chapter
No. 6.
l-'inn'inl services will be at
; .11. St'i urday in the Muehlig FL.
ir-ral Chapel, the Rev. Chester
H. Loukes will officiate. Burial
will be in Washlenong Memorial
Park where officers and members
of the Golden Rule Lodge will con-
duct graveside services. Friends
may call at the funeral chapel.