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Clarence O'Conner

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Clarence O'Conner , Northfield Farmer Dies At Age 87 Clarence E. O'Conner, 87, a Northfield township farmer and son of a pioneer Washtenaw county family, died today at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, after an illness of six weeks. He lived at 2720 Five Mile Rd. Mr. O'Conner was born Oct. 28, 1868, at Morris, 111., a son of Michael and Catherine Morris O'Conner. At the age of nine months, he was taken by his parents to the Northfield township farm, set- tled in 1835 by his grandfather, James O'Conner. On Nov. 10, 1897, he was mar- ried to Ellen Fitzgerald of North- field township. She died Feb. 20, 1942. Mr. O'Conner was a mem ber of St. Patrick's Cathoi Church at Northfield and hai-i served on the Wagner school | board. -^irvivors include three sons, C. melt and John L., both ofr Ann Arbor, and Leo G. of North- field; a daughter. Miss M. Ethel O'Conner of Ypsilanti; four grand- children; and two great-grand- children. ' '"uneral services will be held HI a.m. Monday at St. Patrick'^ Church. Buriah will be in St. Thomas Cemetery. Starting Fri- day, friends may call at the Mueh- lig Chapel where the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. Sunday.