Arthur W. Brice
Arthur W. Brice
Retired Machinist
Succumbs To Illness
YPSILANTI — Arthur William
Brice, 69, a retired machinist,
died last. night at Beyer Memorial
Hospital after a lingering illness.
He lived at 707 Oak St.
;f> was born Feb. 3, 1887, in
,., England, the son of Wal-
ter and Emma Brice. He was
married to Agnes V.. Hiscox in
England in 3918. She survives
him. He served wilh the Canadian
Army in World War I.
The couple came from Canada
to this country in 1923, and lived
in the Dearborn and Detroit area
until 1935. Mr. Brice was instru-
mental in setting up and teach-
ing in woodworking shops in
Ypsilanti hoys' clubs. He was a
member of St. Luke's Episcopal
In addition to his wife, he is
I survived by a .son, Donald A. of
Ypsilanti: a 11, James, a
sister, Mrs. mima FitzPalrick
of Toronto, Canada.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Sat-
urday at St. Luke's Church with
the Rev. Richard Schoolmaster
officiating. Interment will be in
the Cadillac Memorial Gardens al
Garden City, Mich. Friends may
call at the Moore Funeral PIome
until 10 a.m; Saturday and then
at the church until the time of