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County Convention

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Wc publisli to daya cal] for a Connty Convenlion of the friends of liberty, to meet on the 25th netant, and also for a Convention of the senatorial district to meet on the sameday. Wc aro au thorized to say that the hospitahty oí' the friends m this place will be cheerfully extended to all who may come. It s highly important that this ñrst Convention of political abolitionists in this county, be well attended. Jackson, Iiighnm, EatonAOakland and Kalamazoo have alrcady prëceeed us, and Wayne, Livingston and other countics are on the move. Now that the waters are troubled, bc not afraid to step in. Brethren make your calculations to come - let all come. Let each man, who owns a span of horses, resolve himself into a comtnittec of arrangementB, and see to it that a goodly number of nis neighhors are seasonably transported to the place of meeting. In this yay the work will bedone.LIBERTY COJSVENTION. (CThe undersigned, legal volers of the County of Washtinaw, invito a meeting of the Abolitionists of eaid County, who approve of making nominations for office, independent of othcr parties, of such men only, as will use their individual and official influence to securo cqual and exact justice to all men, to be held at the Court Flouse in Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of Augxtst next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent the county of Washtenaw in the Legislature of Michigan, and for the trnnsoction of 8uch other business as may bc di-enied expedient. ÜJSenatoiuai. Convention. - The undersigned, legal votéis of the Second Senatorial District of Michigan, (beingnow the counües of Washtenaw and Livingston,) invite those Abolitionists who npprove of Independent politica! Nominations, to meet in Oonvention,a the same 2luce,al 1 o'clock for the purpojse of nominating one or more candidates for the office of Senator to represent said District in the Sonate of Michigan, and for the iransaction of such other business as may be deeuied advisable. Ann Arbor. Sabin Felch, Job Slat ford, D H. Pattison, Bela Brown, Calvin Bliss, Itoswell Moore, R. Parsons, S. B. Noble, Monson Wheeler, W m. Jones, Kinneth Davidson, J. Chandler, Jr. Sylvester D. Noble, Chauncey Branch, J. B. Barnes, D. A, McCollum, Amasa Fuller, Charles Plosely, Stephen Damon, Jr. Ira Felch, Zenas Nash, Thomas Stone, Joseph Powell, H. Bower, John Damon, M. 11. Cowlea, Z M Thomas, Israel Williams, Hctnan Thomas, John Voorlieis, Wm. Campbell, V II Powell, S. Jenni::ö, G. Beckley, Joel R Hulden, Wm B. Greenman, James Gibeon, Solomon Doty, Thomas G. Davis, Seth Chase, Jared Jjetts, Joseph W Wait, S. Campbell, B. Porter.ÖALEM. T B Laphain, D F Norton, Edmund Pratt, Stephen Rider, Charles Bryant, J B Pinkney, H S Hamilton, Warren Hamilton, Joel Hamilton, H M Hamilton, John Peebles, Isaac Hamilton, Maj J H Peebles, E C Hamilton, Scth Thompson, Reuben Peeblos, David Peebles, Lauren Pratt, Ypsilanti. II B Ten Eyck, H II Grifiin, A A Copeland, A L Chase, J M Brown, C C Barnes, Mial C Parker, Justus Norns, P DWoodruff, S W Patchin, Scio. Moses Wallis, Theodore Foster, Thomas Hoskins, Jacob Doremus, Dwight C. Foster, S W Fóster, Henry Dwight, N C Goodale, Daniel Dwight, James Doremus, E S Smilh. Sylvan. Gcorge P King, Ira Spaulding, J AParks, Leonard C Parks, G C Hall, Milo Chamberlin, Ira Spaulding, Jr. Freeman T Lawrence, A VV Davis, Aaron Lawrence, John Wheeley. FITTSFIELD. Samuel Dutton, Daniel Underwood, P. A. Prichard, Aaron II. Holmes, James HolmesWebster. W W Willets. Linden. Szra Fish. Superior. John Hoff. NoitTHFlELD. 1 Lang. Senatorial - Putnam, Livingston Co. jeonard Noble, John A Cormvay, Daniel Cook, Philip Eaman, GKF.KN OAK. ason Clark, James Burnett, Stephen Lee, J. W. Appleton, Cnos Cole, Jonathan Burnett, Asahei Hubbard, Isaac Smith, Wilham Fish, Hannibal Leo, Andrew Clark, Orland Clark, J. B. Farnsworth, J. Barber. A part only of the names to be uttacbed to cali forthecounty and senatorial Convenions have been received.


Liberty Convention
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Sabin Felch
D.H. Pattison
Calvin Bliss
R. Parsons
Monson Wheeler
Kinneth Davidson
Sylvester D. Noble
J. B. Barnes
Amasa Fuller
Stephen Damon Jr.
Zenas Nash
Joseph Powell
John Damon
Z. M. Thomas
Heman Thomas
William Campbell
S. Jennings
Joel R. Hidden
James Gibson
Thomas G. Davis
Jared Letts
S. Campbell
Job Slatford
Bela Brown
Roswell Moore
S. B. Noble
William Jones
J. Chandler Jr.
Chauncey Branch
D.A. McCollum
Charles Mosely
Ira Felch
Thomas Stone
H. Bower
M. H. Cowles
Israel Williams
John Voorheis
V. H. Powell
Guy Beckley
William B. Green
William B. Greenman
Solomon Doty
Seth Chase
Joseph W. Wait
B. Porter
T.B. Lapham
Edmund Pratt
Charles Bryant
H. S. Hamilton
Joel Hamilton
John Peebles
J. H. Peebles
Seth Thompson
David Peebles
D. F. Norton
Stephen Rider
J.B. Pinkney
Warren Hamilton
H.M. Hamilton
Isaac Hamilton
E.C. Hamilton
Reuben Peebles
Lauren Pratt
H.B. Ten Eyck
A. A. Copeland
J. M. Brown
Mial C. Parker
P.D. Woodruff
H. H. Griffin
A.L. Chase
C.C. Barnes
Justus Norris
S.W. Patchin
Moses Wallis
Thomas Hoskins
Dwight C. Foster
Henry Dwight
Daniel Dwight
E. S. Smith
Theodore Foster
Jacob Doremus
S. W. Foster
N. C. Goodale
James Doremus
George P. King
J.A. Parks
G.C. Hall
Ira Spaulding Jr.
A.W. Davis
John Wheeley
Ira Spaulding
Leonard C. Parks
Milo Chamberlain
Freeman T. Lawrence
Aaron Lawrence
Samuel Dutton
P.A. Prichard
James Holmes
Daniel Underwood
Aaron H. Holmes
W. W. Willets
Ezra Fish
John Hoff
M. Lang
Leonard Noble
Daniel Cook
John A. Coniway
Philip Eaman
Jason Clark
Stephen Lee
Enos Cole
Asahei Hubbard
William Fish
Andrew Clark
J.B. Farnsworth
James Burnett
J.W. Appleton
Jonathan Burnett
Isaac Smith
Hannibal Lee
Orland Clark
J. Barber