Signal Of Liberty,--extra

9? ? "3 ? ?OjKThe Executivb Committee. and thefribnds ofthe cause iiave thouoht best to publish an extra numbkr of thé SlGNAL ABOUT THB FIRST OF SePTKMBER, CONTAININO TUE ADDRESS OF TUE NaTIONal conyention, an the aüdress of tue State Central Committee, together with 8üch otuer important documknts as the l1mits of the paper will permit. The numbers will be furnished at $2.PKtt-HÃNDRED FOR ANY Q.UAMTITV. WlLfc THK FRIENDS TAKE THIS MATTER INTO COM6IDERATI0N AT THEIR CoNVENTIONS, AND SEND IN THEIR ORDERS.
State Central Committee
Old News
Signal of Liberty