Brethren Attend!

During Ihe nexl tbree monihs, a large number of the Signal oughtto be circulated through, the Slate. It devolves on you toj do it: and to show you that wc are disposed ' to do our pari, the Executive Committee! will furnish the Signal of Liberty for twelve 1 weeke, for the iow price of 03"TWENTYFIYE CENTS, just one half of the subscripción price. How many are there in your neighborhood? -Look around you and see! Look among the abolitioniste who do not take a paper, That will not do ! - None so poor that he cannot pay two ehil-i lings! When you have secured them, look among Whigs and Democrats. You will find many of them whose curiosity is all on edge to know what is going on among. the incendiaries, and thuy can afford to pay two ! 6hillings for theirknowledge. Besides, they have a very great interest at etake, which will be decided, in a few weeks, QÃ3 by a yery few votes. If you examine it carefully, you will find that we also, have a decp interest in the result of the election. - j Do not wait for one anothcr but send in the tnoney.
The Signal of Liberty
Old News
Signal of Liberty