
A friend from ihe West writes.'that in Jackson county they intend Lo hold Liberty meetings n each township and neighborhood. The writer says: 'I oannot but feel that ehould a spirited Convention be held every week, and the proceedingrs published in brief in the columns of the Signal, t would dofar more to vake up an interest, and inspire general conñdence than any thing elso that can be done. Our friend9 here and west, as far as I learn, are anxious for Conventions, and that much more ehould be doin. I have xio doubt nn interest and a state of thinga may speedily be got up through the State, by which the Signal might be extended in two months to four times its preeent altogether too limited circulation." - Brethren, it depends altogether on you to eay, whether there ehall be conventions, and whether they shall bo "spiriled." If sou are spirited both results wilt take place.
Liberty Party
Conferences & Meetings
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Jackson County